
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Doris and I arranged a personal swap. We started talking about it in June, we got around to swapping in November. We decided to swap a pillow cover and a mug rug made from scraps.

Here's what she made:
A cute applique pillow (her original design, no less!) that matches my daughter's bed perfectly! Even down to the top of the flower...the blue and pink of the flower helps tie in the blue, pink and red pillowcase that doesn't really match her bed but I can't help but using it anyway. The throw pillow ties the whole room together! We didn't talk specific colors at all, so how wonderful that it matches oh-so-perfectly. I'm tickled pink! (The cute puppy was made by my sweet friend Linda.)

And she made the sweetest mug rug! With my initials embroidered on it and everything. I love that it can be used for a mug rug or as a mini placemat, too. Thanks so much, Doris! I love what you sent!
This is what I sent to Doris. The pillow cover may look slightly familiar. (This was my second of 3 far!) The mug rug was made using a block pattern from this magazine. (thank you, Tara!) Actually, the block that is shown on the cover. It was fun to experiment with a new to me block. It was an intense little baby to piece. Phew! But fun, nonetheless.

Terri, my fellow Wisconsin sewing pal, sent me a package of Christmas goodies! She is on the ball! I got these a few weeks ago. Right after HER birthday, she's sending me presents. What a good friend!

She made this cute little mini quilt. Again, perfect for a mini would be just the perfect size for a bowl of soup.
And she sent a bunch of other treats, too. So much cuteness! Thanks so much, Terri!

Ok, and just for a laugh....
I told my daughter to get dressed this morning. This is what she picked out.

HA! This gave me a good chuckle this morning.
I think she loves color as much as her mama does. :)


  1. she looks totally dressed for comfort...all soft and warm...

  2. Love the outfit! That brings back memories of when my daughter was little...

  3. Great color sense in that little one! Love her outfit pick. I think I remember a few of these mornings myself. Wish I had thought to photgraph them all those years ago!

  4. love, love, love the outfit!! reminds me of the day i took my baby to sign her up for kindergarten. she wore a pair of jeans and a tutu. adorable!! gotta love those uninhibited personalities!

  5. I'm crazy about the daughter's outfit ! Look out when she starts quilting !

    The soup rug is a GREAT I may just run with that. I always grab a potholder to use when I eat soup, holding the bowl in my hand while I eat in the living room in front of the t.v. I haven't made mugrugs because I always slosh my coffee and didn't want to stain one. But not a drop of SOUP gets past me, no sir !

  6. Aren´t kids great!! She looks as if she was coming right out of the rainbow!!!
    Beautiful stuff you received!!!....and sent, of course ..LOL!!!

  7. If your daughter's like my kids she'd say her clothes all match perfectly because they all have stripes!

  8. Your daughter looks great - all she needs is some patterned tights to complete her look. Love the mug rugs and other giftees.

  9. Fabulous gifts!
    Love love love your daughter's outfit...that is so adorable! Hope she always loves colours as much when she becomes a is sooo boring! LOL

  10. Oh my, that is a gorgeous pillow! Good thing I don't know where you live because I would steal it. hee hee!
    And I love your daughter outfit. That's kind of how my husband dressed my daughter.

  11. Yay! Congrats on your loot! Good friends indeed! Lovely.

  12. Awwww...what good friends you have! I love what your daughter picked out, great taste-for real:)

  13. I think she likes color and being cozy warm!!

  14. Love the dress colours - a bright winter haead :) What great swaps you had/have :)

  15. Hahaha -- that girl of yours is a stripey diva -- what fun! Great little swappy packages Ms. Crazy. I've been meaning to make a mug rug too -- I think they're really cute!

  16. Her red/orange stripe in the cardigan ties it all together...just like that spot of blue on Doris's pillow! :) Brilliant...and funny!

    w.v. "skerb", verb, to slide or skid into a curb. With all the ice on the road after your big storm, be sure you don't skerb when taking the kids to school!

  17. :) Adorable! Love all your goodies too! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  18. Cute goodies! And, what an outfit! :)

  19. How cute! You can totally see how she matched her outfit, and I think it shows a great since of style! When I tell my little boy to get dressed he says, "you do it." Not remotely interested in clothes.

  20. A girl after my own heart too!! Either that, or she was looking for the warmest stuff she owns considering our Wisconsin weather lately!

  21. I just adore the graphic look of your pillow. Once I get all of my Christmas projects out of the way, I'm going to start on my own pillow. You wouldn't happen to have a pattern, would you?

  22. I think that outfit goes together in its own special way!

  23. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Everything is just beautiful! I totally love to look at and admire the work of others on blogs! Thanks for sharing!

  24. What do you mean - it all stripes! Love it!

  25. she certainly has style!

  26. absolutely love all your gifts and what you made! your daughter has a sense of matching the colors - mama is teaching her well :-)

  27. Creative gifts....sweet friends! I love her outfit....a refreshing change from the older boy clothes I see around my house :)

  28. While all the quilted things are amazing, I am even more in love with your daughter's outfit! She's got every variation of stripe covered! Adorable.

  29. Oh dear dear must sell those pillow covers!

  30. My daughter has that exact same turtle neck sweater. Isnt it a hoot what they come up with. Cracks me up. Sometimes I just let her wear whatever she picks out. Sometimes it just gets under my fashion craw. But really I should just let her.

  31. Cool outfit! She is styl'n! And what a great bunch of goodies!

  32. Cute! I guess she was going for the "Stripey" look? They're still young and can get away with it :)

    My daughter insisted on wearing capris to daycare today although it's freezing outside! Sheesh! At least her boots covered the rest of her legs, lol. Gotta pick your battles I guess...

  33. I love her outfit! My son has picked out some outfits that just make me smile.
    I love applique pillow, so cute.

  34. Wow, an outfit that my miss4yo would be proud of too!
    I love the pillow for your daughters bed- amazing how it pulls it all together like that. Lovely.

  35. There is so much creativity in those gifts! You are both so lucky to have swapped.

  36. what a fun swap with Doris! I adore that sweet mug rug she made. Always love Abby's outfits. She definitely has a way with color!

  37. I love her sense of color and print! And I love that you didn't make her go change her clothes- I know Moms like that! The swap looks like a lot of fun.

  38. She looks great and it comfortable.

  39. Anonymous3:07 PM

    For a very long time, my daughter believed that if she had on all stripes, she matched. Her preschool teacher applauded her for being independent. The picture made me smile.

  40. I've said it before, Abby and Mila are kindred spirits.

  41. All wonderful, especially daughter's outfit. She is a color queen - amazing! Merry Christmas every day with her.

  42. little A looks like I would if I got dressed in the dark. :)

  43. I think there girl has a career in amazing colour ahead of her.

  44. I just made your zig zag quilt .... How did you do the quilting? I need an idea for how to quilt it. Also I really want to make is super warm what can I fill it with

  45. That mug rug is just the cutest! I'm just finishing up a baby coin quilt from your pattern, then I think a matching mug rug is definitely next on the list!

  46. That's how my daughter dresses- stripes and stripes match don't you know!

  47. Your daughter looks colorful and warm!

    I love the applique design for your new pillow.

    Merry Christmas!

  48. Anonymous11:52 PM

    my youngest daughter has the EXACT same cardigan!!

  49. Love the term "mug Rug"! Going to have to check out that challenge.

  50. How big are mug rugs? I've been looking around on the interwebs and can't find any useful information. I'm considering making some for a couple of friends, but was not sure on dimensions. Thanks in advance!

  51. That's just how my daughter dresses!

  52. I love your baby stacked coins quilt. I made one with lily and will jelly roll..cut the coins and used whole strips for all of the sashing..worked well. Thanks :)

  53. Diane G11:03 PM

    Neat book. Like the "quilt alongs". Will have to try 1 or 2.

  54. Brenda nelson8:53 PM

    Love the scrap quilts

  55. Canadian Quilter - WOW, how FUN. She is her own unique person. We all should be so brave.

  56. Canadian Quilter - How Fun! To be your own person, and do it your way.

  57. My Grand daughter also dresses this way....hmmm I didn't mention she is 15. She gets many compliments on her "putting things together" and brave enough to wear them. A new fashion queen is in the mist.

  58. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Love to make potholders. Thank you so much for sharing. judy
