Thursday, October 14, 2010

crop circles

My curves quilt top is done. See, I told you that I used drab colors. I do like it, though, and  it will match my living room perfectly--unlike 99% of the lap quilts I make. The name (I must give full credit to Amy for that stroke of genius) makes the color scheme all better in my mind. This makes 5 quilt tops waiting to be quilted. Yikes! I need to finish them soon so I can start some other lovelies, like:

Katy's quilt along. (scrap vomit, LOL!) I have been in love with the inspiration quilt for a long time.

Liz's triangle madness (since I missed but still want to make this one of Katie's).

This quilt would be good for stash reduction. Plus I have some Kaffe fabric that I am absolutely terrified to cut into. (Terrified, I tell you!)

I also MUST make a funky lady quilt. Inspired by this block. Just thinking about it has me grinning like a fool.

So much inspiration, so little time.


Quiltjane said...

Great use of solids. I love the colours. Very curvacious!

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I agree wholeheartedly! My mind goes so much faster than my sewing skills do!

Kimberly said...

It's fab! Great job on those curves! You're braver than I am!

Shev said...

That is beautiful. Soothing, interesting, gorgeous. Good job :)

Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

Love your "drab" colors. There are so many great prints out there and I see them and think, "I would love to make something out of that." And then I see some simple solids made into a quilt like this and I think, "Who needs all those prints. I can make an awesome quilt with simple, affordable solids." Thank you so much for the inspiration. Mind sharing how you did the curves?

Jennifer said...

Beautiful! Very modern yet classic at the same time...

Jennifer :)

Anonymous said...

I love the name crop circles. Makes me think of flying over the states! wonderful. Lizzie

Margaret said...

I love the way it has turned out. Very nice

Sarah Craig said...

I love those colors - it would go very nicely in my den, also! I share your feelings about too much inspiration - if I did every quilt in my bucket list, I'd live until I was 400 or so!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilt!

Dolly said...

I adore the coloration of's not something that I've used either, but it has a wonderful earthy feel to it.

Linda said...

I like it a lot. :)

Live a Colorful Life said...

The quilt name is perfect! and I like the destashing quilts--in fact I'm getting rid of a lot of my fabric stash (posted about it today, in fact), although don't worry, I'll have PLENTY for several of these quilts!

Sweet Baby Jamie said...

It's really cute!! I have some drab fabric I've been wanting to use, but am afraid since it's "drab" I won't like it! I think I'll go ahead and start it now!!

Cascade Quilts said...

I think it's fabulous! It would also look great in my living room as my couches are the same olive drab color as the far lower/left corner color, love it!

Anonymous said...

It's never too late, however I'm sure you have no stash to work from.

Kristin said...

I LOVE your crop circle quilt! Well done.

Sara said...

Drab is not how I would describe this quilt. The combination of colors is very soothing.

beth said...

mmm. mmm. circles. and so perfect. Don't know how you do it...Adobe??? ;)

Terriaw said...

I love that name Crop Circles, especially since you used some earth tones in these blocks. It kinda reminds me of those bento box quilt blocks, but in circles, which has a very cool effect. I love how the circles feel like they are rolling through their fields. Do you ever feel like throwing again your quilt inspiration list or bookmarks because you can't keep up anymore? I get that way sometimes - LOL!

audreypawdrey said...

I really like this one! I never buy solids for a quilt by themselves, but this one is so lovely. I want to make all the quilts on your inspiration list! I need many more hours in my day.:)

Amy said...

Oh Yay! So glad my little comment was helpful! I love it more now that there are more amd it is all together! Can't wait to see it finished!

Unknown said...

your curves are so much better than mine (I don't know if that sounds a bit rude? Like I'm eyeing up your hips and boobs? Maybe I am...)
Those drab(!) colours look so good. It's a beauty for sure!

Unknown said...

I love your crop circle quilt - it will really pop with some inspired quilting
Not so sure about the scrappy quilts - a bit too colour intense for my tastes at present - it would appear that I'm going through a subdued phase at present.
I'm with you 100% on cutting up the Kaffe fabrics - I got 2 FQ's last Christmas and have challenged myself to make one project from each FQ with complimenting plain fabrics only (posts on my blog of progress to date), but I do love the Caithness Kaffe lady - she's cute

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! I love the soft colors and the variety you have used. Any idea how many different solids you used? Thanks!

Everyday Quilter said...

I think the colors are wonderful. It's a very modern looking quilt. Congrats on the circles!

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Love your crop quilt - I am loving collecting solids at the moment!

I too love the scrap quilt that you have linked to (Katy's Quilt-Along), and several weeks ago hunted down the August 2002 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting (found it on Ebay), which features this exact quilt and details a strip piecing method. Let me know if you need any piecing details. I think I am keen to get started on it!

Thank you for your link to my Innocent Crush/Kaffe Quilt - I've got a cupboard full of Kaffe fabrics, and therefore NEED to NOT fear them - time to use them up.

Indeed, not enough time in the day.


V A N I A said...

Ti lascio il mio commento in italiano..mi e' piu' facile!
il tuo quilt e' a dir poco meraviglioso. Mia mamma lo ha visto (i colori sono bellissimi) e se ne' innamorata subito. Sei una grande quilter e fai dei lavori fantastici.
ciao vania

Becky said...

Oh, wow, I really love that quilt! And the title is just perfect. Beautiful!

Shev said...

A thought: can you use the title "crop circles" to inspire the quilting? Can't wait to see which direction you take with the quilting; and as someone else said: can you teach us how you did that?!

Diane said...

I think it's calm not drab at all. You have a good variety of projects going on and sound like me--I think I may have at least 4-5 tops of mine that need quilting-yikes and sheesh!

Beth said...

Not drab at all. Very earthy. Looks great.
I too have too many quilts I want to make, not enough time.

sdsadasd said...

It is simple and beautiful. I actually love the colors. One of my favorites!

TaraB said...

I love the crop circle quilt. Can you do a tutorial?

JelyG said...

I love the colours - you could almost frame this to hang on a wall.

Ashley G. said...

I know you said the colors were drab but I really like how they came together! Looks great and the curves look wonderful, nice and even! I hope my first attempt at curves goes that well!

Madcap said...

That's a fabulous quilt! Any tutorials in the works? I'd like to make one too!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this quilt. I haven't been big on solids either, but as others have said there is something very soothing about the color scheme and the circles. Is there a particular pattern your craft group used? I'd very much like to try it!

April (Polkadot Sparrow) said...

Good Lord--those are great circles for a first timer!! The title made me think of "crop dusting." I guess if you ever made a brownish one you could call it that. ha ha.

pratima said...

Your crop-circle quilt is wonderful! There are so many lovely quilt-alongs... the list keeps growing :)

Kim said...

Amanda Jean I have all my Kaffe fabric perfectly intact too!
It's going to get warn out from petting it.....I just have a mental block when it comes to cutting it to all its you think there is a 12 step program for this?

Happy Sewing

Janice said...

Love the circles, I've always been a little apprehensive on sewing curves in a quilt.

You're blogging has inspired me to start sharing my projects as well. Anyone interested in learning how to take your bobbing/shuttle assembly apart and clean and oil it??? Check out my blog at

I love your quilts!!


Sew Create It - Jane said...

I don't think it looks drab at's gorgeous. I think solids are so under used and your quilt really showcases them.

Liz Jimenez said...

Love it! I've been thinking about a "crop circle" quilt since flying to Colorado last year... :-)

Anonymous said...

I just love this. It inspires me. I have this idea of making a quilt with an aerial view of the Colorado crop circles in eastern CO. When you fly over that area, you see the circles for the irrigation and then the brown soil and weeds. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!. I have an idea to do a quilt of an aerial view of eastern Colorado where you see the circles of green fields (all shades) and can also see the brown squares of dirt, weeds, rocks, whatever. This inspires me.