
Thursday, September 30, 2010

i have no new tricks

My daughter and I were invited to a little birthday party over the weekend. Our little friend just turned 3. The party and all the little girls were a-dor-a-ble. Think of little girls running around playing in pink tutus! Normally, I have gift giving anxiety, which I chalk up to one of my hundreds of insecurities. However, on Sunday, I was excited to be toting this little gift to the party, knowing that her mama appreciates hand made things. Hurray for that!
First off, I knit up some leg warmies. I adore these! This is proof positive that stripes are not only good for binding quilts. These are modeled by my daughter. It's very helpful to have a little one to try things on for size. And for photos, too. :)
I must knit a pair of these for my girl, too. MUST!!!
I made a little ticker tape quilt with coordinating pillow. I couldn't make it match exactly, since ticker tape quilts use scraps that are already at the bottom of the scrap food chain, so coordinating fabrics have to do. :)
Let's look at that little pillow closer....
 I don't know why I have such a hard time using really nice always makes things so much better. (Maybe someday I will learn!) The striped print for the cuff of the case was just perfect.
 And I made an owl box to hold it all. (Thanks to Chen for the adorable fabric! It was part of a Pottery Barn sheet.) The mama and the 3 year old both adore owls and this will match the little one's bedroom perfectly.
 It makes a pretty good gift box, to boot.

edited to add: the tutorial for the storage cubes is here.


  1. Oh, how cute! What a lucky little girl to get such thoughtful gifts chosen with much thought, time and love put into the creation of them. The Owl box is just adorable...what a clever idea!

  2. such cute gifts! i wish you could come to my daughters birthday party!

  3. Too cute!!! You did great!

  4. love that little pillow! you've given me a GREAT idea for a christmas present!

  5. I was just thinking about that little ticker tape quilt pattern the other day!

    ...I still love it!

  6. Next time I have a birthday party, I'm inviting you!

  7. LOVE the leg warmies. I just saw Spenser's CC leggies this morning and thought that we need to "reveal" them sometime soon. Maybe the same day?

  8. I'm just sayin'...If I was that little girl's mom, I might be sneaking off with her presents in the middle of the night! :)

  9. I LOVE that box. When I saw them on here (two years ago maybe?) I decided I needed to make some. Still on my list, not done yet. You are a busy little bee. That little girl (and her mama) will be so pleased!

  10. Sweet gifts! Your friends are so lucky!

  11. How cute! She is one lucky girl to recieve such adorable gifts!!!

  12. I wish I were your neighbor friend, you'd be invited to all occasions and you can be sure I'd like home made. What wonderful gifts and even the packaging is another gift.

  13. PS Thank you again for the "one a day (9 patch) quilt along". I ended up with 3 of them and my DH said the last of the 3 (with white sashing) was one of his favorite quilts that I had made. I gave it away, so will probably have to make at least a fourth for him.

  14. what a fantastic gift

  15. That is lovely. I want you to come to my birthday party!!

  16. My kids sometimes balk at bringing handmade gifts to parties, but they always come home saying that everyone loved it. ....the mamas especially....

  17. OHMYGOSH!!! I need to send you an invite to all my grand daughters birthday parties!!!! I don't care if they don't live in your same state. How CUTE are YOU?????

  18. I wish you were coming to my birfday party.

  19. My Birthday's on the 20th. I LOVE handmade quilty things. Let me just send you my mailing address..... :)

  20. There is nothing better than home made gifts. Love the leg warmers... they are toooo cute. I have 2 granddaughters who would love them and I do a lot of knitting while traveling the 4+ hours I'm riding in the car to Canada. Knitting, stitching bindings, and embroidery are my favorite things to do on those long trips. I'm going to look for a pattern the next time I'm out shopping.

    Cute owl are so creative. That is one lucky birthday girl.

  21. You possibly had more fun than the children!

  22. I want to wear striped leggings and wear a pink tutu to a party!!!! How cute is all that!

    second thought... I'll go watch a group of 3 yr olds in pink tutus.. much cuter than me!

  23. now you are giving me gift giving anxieties :)!

  24. Wow- you sure pulled one out of the bag.....or should I say box:) That is such the best sort of present and I bet the birthday girl loved each part of the specialness. I must find some time to try that blanket - I have a basket overflowing with little wee scraps that I just can't bear to throw out......Ciao

  25. Oh. So. Cute! If I send you my leg size, will you make me some stripey leggings LOL??? You're an awesome gift-giver!

  26. Such cute gifts!

  27. The Ticker Tape quilts are gorgeous ......... so individual!

  28. Can I request a pillowcase exactly like that in normal size!?!? It's adorable, perfect colors and fabrics!! I love to make gifts for birthdays too, but for some reason always feel a little bit "tacky" when I take them. This is definately top-of-the-line, good job!

  29. Such a sweet, sweet gift! And I knitted some of those leg warmies last year for my little girl, here -

    It was good practice to get me ready for knitting socks!

  30. I would say there is no reason for gift anxiety here! But you just gave it to all the other mamas there!
    Too stinkin' cute!

  31. Hey - I have a birthday coming up! Ha ha! Those are beautiful and thoughtful gifts - that's one lucky little girl!

  32. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I have 5 little granddaughters, and know how cute they all are!

    You said you don't know why you have a hard time using nice fabric....I know...because you are a ScrapFabricololic! I am too! One knows one! LOL

  33. Beautiful gifts, and I really like that little quilt!

  34. You are so talented and thoughtful Amanda! Lucky little girl.

  35. these are such perfect gifts! Even I would have loved them and I'm a bit older than the birthday girl. My sister has this gift-giving anxiety too for her daughters' friends, and she always tries to make something as well. The gift box was the perfect way to package up these treasures!

  36. OMG cute, cute, cute, and adorable. Love the leg warmies, I have knitted some for my daughter, but they were much bigger! LOL
    The quilt and pillow made me want to be three. Love the owl box. You did great.

  37. Ah! Such lovely pressies! Must have been a very good birthday indeed!

  38. So sweet! Where can I find the tutorial for the box?
    I adore owls. You inspire me!

  39. I know it's not becoming....but I'm totally jealous!

  40. you are so talented!!
    What gorgeous handmade gifts and wrapped up and presented beautifully. Lucky girl!

  41. Ah woman, you inspire me! The box was the best!

  42. BRAVO! 3 of my children have birthdays in Oct. I wish I could invite YOU.~ That was an EXTREMLY fun post!


  43. I'm sure there was a very happy little 3 year old!! I know I would have been (even at my age) - well except maybe the leg warmers - would have to use them as lower arm warmers - lol!

  44. I officially want to be your friend, invite you to a party, have you come to my house, get something homemade from you. In my dreams... What a lucky 3 year old.

  45. Very good quilting. Nice to see local arts & crafts being blogged about! Many of our artists are sewers, rug hookers and felters. Absolutely beautiful.

  46. SO SO SEW CUTE!!!!! Can't stand how cute that stuff is. Well done!

    My daughter is 3 also and it is like adorable city over here 24/7.

  47.'s just all so stinkin' adorable! Some day, when I'm caught up on niece doll quilts...and my house isn't on the market...and my sister isn't in the hospital...I'm going to make one of those awesome totes! :)
    Life - it never slows down, does it!?

  48. Very, very cute!!!!!!!!!

    Love the box and quilt!!!!!

  49. Hi AmandaJean! What adorable gifts. Lucky little girl. BTW, you just missed my b'day....LOL I bet the birthday girl and Mom loved your gifts. Have a great weekend!

  50. what a wonderful gift. I love the stockings.

  51. These are so adorable I can't even stand it! Fabulous ideas. :)

  52. I love those leggings! You MUST make them for your girl! In every stripe combination possible! haha. just kidding.

    I've been eyeing that pottery barn owl sheet set for a while now. That box is a cute idea.

  53. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I just stumbled across your blog and love it! Your work is adorable and I really like your writing! I'll definitely be back and I'll bring some friends!


  54. Super cute! I love the leg warmers and the ticker tape quilt is so adorable. I've always wanted to try to make a quilt like that. Your blog is great I'll be back to visit again.

  55. What a great gift and I love how it all comes together in the box. My 4 year old would have been thrilled to receive something like that! Fantastic as always. :)

  56. what a fun gift! The 5 year old girl in me is totally jealous of that doll quilt and pillowcase :)

  57. hi.

    Just wanted to let you know I've posted a link to your storage cubes tutorial on my blog. I thought it was such an amazing idea, I had to share. Hope that's ok. If not, please let me know. Love your blog! Thanks
