
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

only 9 blocks left... make a twin size spiderweb quilt.

i cannot wait to see this one come together.
you'd think my scrap basket would be empty by now, but somehow that's not the case.


  1. WOW!! You've been busy. Can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  2. It's weird, isn't it? I've completed the 9 patches, also made a queen-sized string quilt and cut out squares for another single quilt from my scraps and I STILL can't see the difference in my stash.
    Maybe stashes are like the tardis from Dr Who... bigger on the inside than they appear from the outside...

  3. It will be another stunner, I'm sure.
    Andi :-)

    PS Frogdancer, you crack me up!!!

  4. I can't wait to see it! You certainly do have a LOT of scraps!

  5. It's such a great scrap project.

  6. i am excited i am sure that it is going to be gorgeous, just that pile is stunning

  7. can't wait to see it. you're such a BUSY BEE!

  8. Can't wait to see how it has turned out!!

  9. Twin size?! Can't wait to see that. Have you been working on them one at a time like the nine patches?

  10. That will be amazing! Your scrap basket will never end - you are always cutting something :)

  11. I cannot wait to see this together either. Thanks so much for sharing all your beautiful work with us. You are a great inspiration!
    Have a great day.

  12. Oh wow, that is going to be spectacular!

  13. This is going to be one sensational looking quilt!

  14. I can't wait either! This quilt is going to look so great all put together!

  15. Oh! I can't wait to see your quilt together! I plan on making one of those some day!

  16. OOOOH! I can't wait either! It's gonna be so pretty! I am tempted to do another one, but the thought of cutting all those "kites" out again is a bit daunting. LOL

  17. A scrap stash is forever, I swear I cannot make a dent in one EVER!
    That quilt is going to be so great, can't wait to see it put together, I love that pattern.

  18. I started one years ago and got the top to a lap robe size. Then I gave my sister all my strips (I had done greens and variations of greens) She finished her's and had it quilted. I loved it so much that I made mind larger and got it quilted. The thing was...after giving her all my "left over" strips...I didn't have enough to make mine larger so had to cut more. Such is sisterhood!

  19. I'm excited to see this one sewn up!

  20. I am anxious to see how this one turns out!! I'm sure it will be great!

  21. Anonymous6:47 PM

    wow, the blocks look nice. Did you paper piece? If not I want to know how to do it. Can't wait to see it completed! good job.

  22. oh can't wait to see the fiished project. With all your lovely fabrics I am sure it will wonderful. I have that on my list to do too.

  23. you can ship me your scrap basket... then it will be empty ;-)

  24. I am in the process of making a spider web quilt too. I am not as far along as you are. I'll will have to post a photo of mine.

  25. Scraps are like guppies - they multiply like crazy!

    Imagine how much waste there would be if you'd been throwing them out....

  26. unless i give my scraps away i don't know how to manage them. they are always out of control!!! i can't wait to see this one put together. it will look FABULOUS!!!

  27. I can't wait either!

  28. can't wait to see!!

  29. Seriously - you're a machine! How long does it take to piece 1 block?
    Simply amazing - and gorgeous!

  30. I cannot wait to see it@@

  31. I really want to try one of these spiderweb quilts some day....I think they are absolutely beautiful and I truly love the scrappy look...someday.....sigh

  32. Can't wait to see it!

  33. Sneak peeks are always so fun. It will be great to see when it is finished.

  34. Early on in the process I caught a couple posts about your spiderweb. The color and look, even of the unfinish blocks, inspired me to try my hand at it. My mom is the lucky recipient -- I have 4 blocks left to go on hers. Thank you for such wonderful photography!

  35. Can't wait to see the finished project! It will be beautiful! I'm collecting my strings and I'm thinking a spider web quilt will be my next one as well....

  36. I can't imagine what your scrap bins look like! You amaze me.

  37. oh oh oh!!!
    who is this beauty for???

  38. Your SCRAP box is still not empty?! I'm soooo jelous! What amazes me is that you have enough scraps to always seem to make the colours work together - that must be some big box.

  39. darn those scraps....always making more somehow! love the blocks.

  40. I can't wait to see how this turns out! you must have a neverending scrap basket :)

  41. Oh, wow! How exciting that you're so close to finishing. I can hardly wait!!!

  42. Wow! I can't wait to see this one finished!

  43. Hello, I am a Brasilian girl and I loved your work. Sory but I dont write inglish very well.
    Your blog is wonderful.

  44. I am really excited to see the completion of this quilt. I love the sample you showed several posts back. Thanks for sharing your talent and creations. I love to stop by and read your posts. You do amazing work!

  45. nice little stack of spider webs!! cant wait to see it completed
