thanks for all the sweet comments on my oh cherry oh quilt!
i can't believe that i'm going to say this, but i have too many fabric scraps. i really do. so i've decided to giving away my oh cherry oh scraps.
leave me a comment with your name, location and what you would do with the scraps if you were to win them.
here's an example: my name is amandajean and i live in wisconsin. if i were to use these scraps i would add them to my spiderweb quilt and would probably make a doll quilt or two.
one comment per person and please make sure that there is a way to contact you in the event that you win.
1 – 200 of 540 Newer› Newest»Hi, my name is Andi and I live onn Douglas Island in Alaska. I'm currently collecting scraps to add to a Kaleidoscope Quilt. Since I am new to quilting (still finishing my first one) I don't have a huge stash yet but I'm working on it!
Hi Amanda, my name is Tina and I live in Arkansas. I read your blog weekly, if not daily. And, I adore your quilts and your talent. Love, love, love the colors you use - especially the color of these scraps!!
If I were to win your scraps I'm sure I would begin my *first* attempts at either a table runner with placemats, or a string doll quilt, or perhaps a table topper. Who knows, I may just go all-out-full-fledged-crazy-self-indulgent and try my hand at a spiderweb quilt. tina@arpsvcs.com.
Hi Amanda, thanks for the giveaway!!!
my name is RosaMaría and i live in Guadalajara, México. If i were to use these scraps i make with them and more fabric a baby quilt for a litle girl (i'll be her "madrina").
OOh, fun!
I'm Heather. I live in a small town in the very northwest corner of California. If I won these scraps I'd certainly make a doll quilt or two for my daughter.
Thanks for the opportunity! :)
My name is Margaret and I make LOADS of Project Linus quilts. I have done 35 this year and am on a quest to hit 50 before year's end. So, that is what I'd use the luscious scraps for :-)
Hello! My name is Cara and I live in Missouri. I'm starting to branch out and make wonky log cabin blocks and would love to have your scraps for that! :)
Hi, my name is Trisha and I live in the Seattle area and I would probably incorporate them into a table runner.
Hi, I'm Leigh and I live in Wisconsin! If the scraps got here in time, I'd make a few more quilts for CraftHope which is my favorite way to use scraps these days! http://crafthope.com/?p=200 I've made two so far. If they don't get here in time for the deadline I'd make a baby quilt for one of the many babies on the way in my circle of friends and family!
I'm Julianna from Chicago and I would definately use those scraps for a 16 patch quilt. THey look scrumptious!
Hi! I'm Sue and I live close to Minneapolis, Minnesota. If I were lucky enough to receive these scraps, I would either work them into a baby quilt (a nephew & his wife are expecting) and/or make some baby-doll quilts our group makes for Toys for Tots in December (given with a baby doll. Yummy fabric line!
Hi AmandaJean. I'm Louise and Im from Peterborough/Birmingham England. If I had the amazing opportunity of adopting all your scraps I would love to put them to many different uses, I have so many ideas in my head at any one time I couldn't actually determine what I want to do without seeing it first!
P.S On a second note the verification word is Recycling!!! Such an appropiate word!
My name is Ellen and I live in Lexington, Mass. I would make quilt cards or a little quilt or a necklace if I won the scraps.
Hi! This is Emily from Virginia. (LOVE Wisconsin! We lived outside Milwaukee from 2005-2007 and still miss it. Such a beautiful state.) Anyway, I've been wanting to try a spiderweb quilt, but being new to quilting, I don't have that many scraps (yet). These would be great! Love your blog!
Hi, I'm Audrie in CT, and I'd use the scraps for a gift for my niece who's turning 2 in August. I'm planning a quilt for her and a doll quilt for her favourite little 'baby' :D
My name is Jocelyn, and I live in Florida, and I would make a coin quilt with Oh Cherry Oh scraps. At least I would try :-) If scraps are too small, then I would make my fabric cards. I have a tute on my blog. Have a great day, and thanks for all of your encouragment :-D
Hi! I'm Angie from Arkansas. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway! I would love to win and add them to the strip/shaggy garland I am working on!
hi! I am Kristi in Alberta, Canada, and if I get those fun scraps I would totally use them in my spiderweb quilt, and maybe for some doll clothes, or possibly a doll blanket. what a fun thing!
Hi! My name is Theresa and I live in Maryland. If I win thsese scraps, I would use them for the strip piecing blocks I am working on. Thanks!
Oh, my gosh...I was swooning over some of the fabrics in your quilt, because I've been working on a red and turquoise crazy log cabin quilt for my daughter. I'd LOVE to add these scraps to it. Thank you so much for the chance! I'm Lise, from Massachusetts. :-)
Hey, there- I'm Emily from the Cincinnati area. Those colors would go great with my new craft room so I would make a wall quilt.
hello. i'm erin and i live in maryland. if i won the scraps, i guess i'd have to figure out to incorporate them into my "i spy" quilt for my son.
my name is Allysha and I live in Shoreline, Wa. I'm plotting my first every log cabin quilt and would love to add your cherry scraps to this!
Hello! My name is Lynette and I live in Virginia. I would love the Oh Cherry Oh scraps! I would have to agree with you and make a cute doll quilt for my daughter...so fun!
my name is nikki & i live in san antonio, tx. I would use the scraps on a series of small quilts I'm making for my wall.
Hi, Im Karen from London, England. If I were to win the scraps I would make quilted nappy changing mats out of them. I have a three friends pg and my sister too!!
hmmmm... what would I make with the lovely oh cherry oh scraps?? perhaps another string quilt :0)
Hi. I'm Amy from Atlanta. I'd definitely use the scraps for a Kaleidoscope quilt...I definitely need more scraps if I'm ever going to get that finished.
My name is Mel- I live in Maine. I love your blog- I check it daily :) If I won your scraps I would use them to help my mother in law make her first quilt. She's dying to learn and the fabric has her favorite colors.
Hi my name is Felicia, I live in IL, and I would try piecing them together to makes some cheerful placemats
Hi, Sally from Connecticut here. Thanks for all your sharing - I visit you frequently. Depending on the size of the strips, I have log cabin on the wishlist, and also those cute fabric bowls (http://www.craftstylish.com/item/33825/how-to-sew-a-fabric-bowl) for really skinny strips.
Hi I'm Danielle from North Carolina! If I win the scraps, I'll use them for my pretty crayon box quilt that I'm working on - (it's in pinks!)
Andrea from outside of Atlanta, GA. I am getting ready to start my first string quilt... I think these would be great! Love your quilts!!!!!
Oh Cherry Oh scraps?!? What would I do with them?!? Add them to my own pile of Oh Cherry Oh scraps and make something sweet of course!!
Wonderful giveaway! Please pick me!
...and I live in Abbotsford, B.C.
My name is Jessica. I live in New York. I would rather quilt than write papers (can you guess what I am doing right now?). If I had those scraps, I would positively avoid this paper and make a scrappy log cabin quilt.
I'm Lynn from Cary NC. I would add them to my strip quilt. I've been saving any strips no smaller than 1/2" by 4 1/2" and sewing them onto foundation blocks. These are pieces I would have in the past thrown away and now I have 5 blocks made. Some 'Oh Cherry' fabrics would look great in it!
My name is Michaela and I'd love to have the scraps! I'd use them in a small cuddle size quilt.
Hi, my name is Karen and I live in Shakopee, MN. I would used the scraps along with my cherry strips to make a Onsie dress (Lila Tueller blog free pattern) for my cousins baby.
Hi, I'm Tara and I live in Colorado! Too many scraps? You're crazy! I'd probably make a table runner for my aunt--she love cherries!
Hi Amanda, my name is Laura and I live in Northern Indiana. If I won these scraps I'd use them to make a wonky log cabin quilt. One of my goals for this year is to try something a little more improvisational/outside of the lines, and I think these scraps would be the perfect way to get that project started!
I love your blog! It's so inspirational to see your quilts and read everyone's comments.
i'm jacquie from kansas. i almost bought a couple of charm packs of this line last night, but i'm on a fabric buying diet...i think i'd make a doll quilt...or i'd add them to my magic scrap bag and see what comes out!
My name is Jackie, I live in La Mirada, CA and I would make a quilt for my daughter. I am still learning to quilt and don't have a stash built up yet.
I am Danielle from Massachusetts, and I would love your leftover oh cherry oh's! I would use them to make a matching doll dress and quilt for my daughter. (White white backgrounds, of course!) Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm Mariesa and I live in southern Utah. If I were to win your scraps, I would make a lap blanket and a pillow out of them and put it on my new entryway bench my husband just bought me for our 6th anniversary! My email is mreesadiana@yahoo.com. Pick me!
Hello, my name is Bonnie and I'm from Ontario, Canada. I love your blog - it is so inspiring! I would use these scraps to make my daughter a quilt for her very first doll - she has become quite attached and the scraps match the dolls dress perfectly!
Hey im Naty from Buenos Aires- Argentina and if i won those scarps i probably will make pillows to my niece
I am Megan from Maryland. I would use the scraps in a stripscrap quilt like the one quiltinlikecrazy is making. I am making it for my friend's baby.
Hi, my name is Leah. I live in southeast Arizona and it's raining right now. I would probably use the scraps in the Chinese Coin style quilt I started a few years ago.
HI my name is Michele and I am from Rock Hill, SC. I am making a oh cherry oh quilt right now and could use them for the sides:)
Hi, I'm Anya from Wellsboro, PA. I love fabric scraps and would probably make cheery cherry quilt with them. A spiderweb one sounds interesting...Thanks for the chance and the great blog!
I am Mary from California and I would do exactly what you posted - use them in a spider web quilt. I have been saving my strips for a long time now to work on one.
My name is Brandy. I live in Peculiar, Missouri. If I were to win these scraps, I would give them to my 13 year old niece who is a fantastic young designer / seamstress. The way my scraps multiply, I wouldn't curse myself for adding to their lot. :) Thanks so much! Love your work.
Hi! I'm Jennifer and I live in central Illinois. If I won the scraps I would make a heartstrings quilt for Project Linus. Thanks!
Hi my name is Jodie and I am from florida. I just purchased my first Cherry Cherry jelly roll to make a fun coin quilt and I would use the strips to make a fun scrappy border for the quilt. I love you blog and always get so much inspiration from it. Thanks. www.justbecausejodie.com
I'm Brenda from Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada and I'd use then in a string quilt I'm going to use on my bed. http://scrapsandstrings.blogspot.com
I love scrap giveaways! Thanks.
My name is Ammie and i live in Ohio. If I won your scraps I would try a coin quilt, or perhaps a table runner, or use them for making softies. I'm just beginning to quilt, and need simple projects for now!
Hey there AmandaJean. My name is Barbara and I'm from Ontario, Canada. Wow, oh cherry oh scraps, I would make a scappy quilt for my friend who just delivered her first baby on Friday! A little girl, after 38 hours of labour and then a c-section this mommy deserves something nice!
Hi! I'm Katie from South Carolina. I'd definitely use the scraps to make a cute small wall-hanging for my sewing room!
Hi there! My name is Sara and I live in New Brunswick, Canada. Those scraps would be made in to a wonky log cabin quilt for a baby girl. They look delicious!
hello, i am stacey in maine. it is on about the 12th day of straight rain in a row, and the next 5 days of forecast is rain also!! I could sure use some bright colors!! i have come to love this fabric, but cannot find any where i live. all the items i have seen people make with this are gorgeous!! i actually showed my husband your quilt last night and he said he loves that fabric, and that your quilt was stunning also!! if i won, i would make a blanket with it. and then i would probably need to hunt down more fabric so that i could make it really big!! i wish whomever wins this luck. thank you!!
I'm Hillary from Arkansas and I've wanted to try out the oh cherry oh line for awhile I've also wanted to try a bit of string quilting (...your spiderweb tutorial was fantastic!) Those two lend themselves so well together that I imagine that's what I'd do with them :)
I'm Jenna in Virginia. I would love to add these scraps to my soft flying geese scrap quilt. :)
My name is Marsha and I live in Black Mountain NC. Currently working on some 9 patches and would love to add this cute little fabric to that project.
Hi there! I am Ruth from California, and I would use the scraps to make some cute hot pads for my sister. I need the quilting practice and this fabric would go perfectly in her kitchen. :)
My name is Alicia, and I live in Texas. I am actually working on my daughter's "big girl" room right now (we're hoping we'll need her nursery for a new baby soon), and I've been seeking a fabric line to make a scrappy quilt as the jumping off point. I LOVED your oh cherry oh quilt, and I looked into buying the line for the quilt. This would be PERFECT! What a generous giveaway.
hi.... my name is Zelia, i live in portugal, and most probably would make a log cabin quilt, to hang up on my wall:) but then i might change my mind!
Oh, and my e-mail address is aliciadockins at yahoo dot com!
My name is Dorraine and I live in Firth, Idaho. If I had your scraps I would make cute candle mates for my sister in laws for Christmas! They would be soooooo cute! Thanks!
My name is Linda and I live in Washington. I would use the scraps to teach my daughter how to make a simple doll quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi, Amanda. I am Lynda from Maine. I just entered my first event at Kathie's Quilt Shop and have a random collection of fabric to turn into a quilt for a young child - six Moda berry prints. I would use the scraps as coin strips and border with white background -- and would trade for some great Portobello Market scraps from a Rollng Stars quilt. See Flicker pics under LyndaG1. email lyndag6185@aol.com
My name is Kristin and I would use the scraps as part of a scrap quilt I have been planning. It may turn out to be a wall hanging.
Hey Amanda Jean! I'm feeling like making a bunch of log cabins for a quilt, maybe some pillows?
My name is Kerri, and I'm from Washington State. I would use them in a scrappy quilt, and for sure do a doll quilt with some of them, since I'm LOVING them right now!! :)
Hi my name is Andrea and I'm in Canada, and with these scraps, first I would *SQUEEEE* with delight, then I would put the red and yellow bits in this red/yellow/white disappearing nine patch quilt I'm making (that I am secretly terrified won't turn out as nice as it looks in my head) and the rest I would roll into the cutest little quilt ever for Paddington Bear. And then I would love it and squish it and hug it forever.
Hi im kellie and i live in indianapolis! i was thinking little quilt coasters would work great for these cherry oh scraps....then we can use them for mason jars full of cherry-oh-limeade!
My name is Amanda, and I live in upstate NY. I am making 3 wedding quilts (each person chooses the pattern they like, and general palette, and then I quilt the two pieced tops together into one). I am totally running out of bits to use! So that's how I would use the scraps... to finish up my wedding quilts.
my name's bess and i live in kentucky. those scraps are so cute!! i would use them to make some scrappy hedgerow blocks. :)
oooooo fun!! how generous of you!
ok ... my name is sara, and i live in the lovely city of charleston in south carolina. if i won the scraps, i would probably incorporate them into the scrappy strip quilt that my mom left unfinished when she passed away. i've finished a number of her other quilts, but haven't been able to finish that one yet ... not enough scraps!
sara at red owl designs dot com
Hi! I'm Ellen from Texas and I love to make scrappy quilts, but my husband says my quilts are really dark (I like blues and greens), so I want to make something with brighter colors, and yours seem to do the trick! I'm thinking a postage stamp quilt, but maybe not (depends on how brave I am with all those small pieces)! Thanks for the give away chance! Your quilts are beautiful!
Hi! My name is Donna - I live in lovely Ottawa, Canada.
I am gearing up to try one of the string quilts that Ashley at Film in the Fridge posted about a while back. I've been studiously sorting my scraps into useable pieces for this project. I would add yours to the pile and encorporate them.
okay this is crazy! I was going to e-mail you after your last post to ask you if you had any scraps left and if you would want to trade for them. i can't find the this fabric anywhere around here and i love it! so i'd love to enter the give away. my name is erin. I am in pa. and i really would love to make an aqua and red wonky log cabin quilt!
Love your "oh cherry oh" quilt and I can't believe you've accomplished 20 quilts already this year - way to go! My name is Marlene and I'm from Manitoba, Canada. If I was lucky enough to win your wonderful scraps, I would start on a crumb quilt that I've been planning.
Ok, comment. I know, my chances of winning are so far-- one in 77. I imagine you'll get a lot more comments. Well, here goes-- I just love scraps. The more the better. I did a scrappy bargello-- and I'm collecting for a scrappy strip quilt. I'd like to do a cobblestones, too-- lots of colors. And I'm going to start a spiderweb quilt. I work with our guild doing donation quilts. Foster children, Alheimers patients, neo natal, and special needs kids. We can accomplish a lot of things for a lot of people with scraps. And QOV-- for wounded soldiers.
Susan in HOT No. Calif
My name is Theresa in Alabama and I would love your scraps!! If I win them I am going to FINALLY make a quilt for myself to keep. I have only made quilts to give away as baby, wedding, Christmas gifts, etc. I will use them to make something unique for me! My email is tmac26(at)gmail(dot)com in case I win!
Hi! My name is Christine, and I live in NY (upstate not NYC). If I won, I'd make some pot-holders for me and my mom. Something that we'd both use a LOT and it would be fun to have matching. Or maybe a cute little "tea bag" wallet, which I keep saying I'm going to make for my mom.... but definitly something for both of us because we both adore that fabric!
Hey. My name is Jen and I live in Connecticut. I would use the scraps to make a quilt for my Punkie Girl. I just LOVE the Oh-Cherry-Oh fabric line. One of my faves!
My name is Darcy and I live in CT. I would LOVE to use the scraps to make a scrappy quilt as a Christmas present for my mom.
My name is Angel and I live in Elizabethtown, PA with my hubby and 2 girls.
I actually am nearly done with my Old Red Barn quilt-along, which I used oh cherry oh jelly rolls for my oldest daughter's twin bed. It used it all up except for a few scraps, so I would love more oh cherry oh fabric to make a doll quilt/lovey for little sister since all doll quilts meet that fate. = )
Thanks for the giveaway!
My name is Nancy and I live in Phoenix and if I were fortunate to win this little giveaway, I would try some spider webs (I've been wanting to for a while) and probably a few log cabins, because I like them so. Thanks for the chance to win!
Hello! my name is Amy Holmes, I would love to add the scraps to my crumb quilt I am working on
Hi :)I am Elizabeth from Baltimore, Maryland and I would love to use those scraps to start a string quilt!
Hi my name is Michelle. I live in Trail, British Columbia, Canada. I'm just starting to quilt, so these scraps are a perfect excuse to make another quilt.
Hi,I'm Andrea from Bp. If I win, I'll make a log-cabin quilt or a square-in-square quilt.
Hi! I'm Hannah from Minnesota. Your cherry quilt turned out great! I would use the scraps to make a doll quilt or two for my nieces.
Hello! I'm Kristin in Ohio and I would love to make a doll quilt for my 3 year old...or maybe incorporate them into something big enough for her to wrap up in (one of her favorite games!)
Hi there! I'm Tiffany from Missouri. I would love to make my little baby girl a cute doll quilt out of your fun scraps. Thanks for the giveaway!
My name is Jaclyn and I live in Buenos Aires (althouhg I have a US mailing address). I would use these scraps to make a small quilt with these scraps and the other oh cherry oh fabrics that I have been collecting!
Love your blog too!
Hey! My name is Brynn and I live near the beach in North Carolina. My daughter spent her first few days in the NICU, and we had the opportunity to stay in a Ronald McDonald house during her recovery. They send every family home with a quilt, and to say thank you, I'm making a quilt to send them in honor of my daughter's first birthday. I'd love to use the scraps in the quilt!
Hi, my name is Paula and I have lived in Michigan all my life. If I were to win the scraps I would add them to doll quilts I am making for my granddaughters for Christmas! (After I quit drooling over them, of course!) Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Hey Amanda Jena-
I'm Jen, live in Portland Oregon...and no, it doesn't rain all the time! :)
I would add the scraps to another charity quilt that I am working on.
That is, if my sewing machine isn't dead. I find out soon.
My name is Kathy and I am from Maryland. I am currently collecting scraps to try to do a modified bento box scrap quilt. Would love to add these scraps to the pile.
Hi, I'm Deirdre and I live in Northern California. Thanks so much for parting with your scraps! I would make a scrappy strip couch quilt with those lovely cherry scraps!
dmacclelland at gmail dot com
Hi, my name is Gigi and I live in Encinitas, CA (San Diego area). If I were to win your scraps I would use them to create a strings quilt. I am loving how those look and don't have that much in the way of scraps. I am relatively new to quilting and usually just buy what I need for the next project, so not a huge stash, or scraps for fun projects. I may have to change my ways....
amandajean! I can't believe your example!!!that is exactly what I was going to say! (except of course that I live in Idaho!)finish my spiderweb blocks and make a doll quilt! You read my mind! this is just funny! and you know my name!:) Thanks so much! I wonder if this will get up to 500 plus comments again!:)
My name is Ellen and I would use the scraps in a stacked coin doll quilt that I am making. Or depending on how wide they were as part of a skirt for my niece.
Hi, I'm Wendy and I live in Amarillo, Texas. If I won, I'd first use the scraps to make matching scrappy tiered skirts for my daughters who are 2 and 3 months. I'm finding it's lots of fun to make matching clothes for them! And the leftovers would find themselves into quilts, of course!
My name is Mary and I live in Illinois. I would use the scraps in a charity quilt - such as for the Alzheimer's Initiative (with Ami Simms). Thanks!
Hello. My name is Rachel. I live in Utah. If I won the scraps I would make a skirt for my 2 year old or a doll quilt. Thanks for the give away!
OH BOY!!! My name is Chris. I live in beautiful Virginia!!! If I were to win these lovely scraps I would use them with the other Oh Cherry Oh I have stashed away for a doll quilt to match the table topper I am going to make for my first little grandaughter who is only 2 months old! Can't start too soon you know! Thanks for the give away! :)
My name is Becca and I live in KY. I would use them to make something for my best friend/neighbor, because she loves cherries - probably either a purse/tote or something for her kitchen.
Hello Amanda, my name is Sandra and I'm from Switzerland. I would make a string baby quilt with those lovely stripes.Thank you for offering...
Hi, I am Heather and I live in Midland TX. If I had those beautiful scraps I would make a quilt to go with my daughters baby doll for Christmas.
Hi there,
My name is Kelly and I live in Ontario,Canada.
I'm loving that you are sharing your scraps--so generous.
If I were to win I think I'd like to try my hand at making a string quilt block pillow for my dear daughter's room-- oh and lately I'm soooo into making bookmarks-I think I'd have to make a couple of them too!
I am Sarah and I live in Tennessee. I would add them to my collection of Oh Cherry Oh (just got a bit of yardage last week!) and finally decide what pattern to do...I really like what you did!
smartisport at gmail dot com
My name is Rebecca and I'm from Western Canada. I think I'd use these scraps to start a kaleidescope quilt. thanks for the chance!
Hi Amandajean! my name is Debbie I live in San Diego Ca. I would love the cherry oh scrapes! i think I would try to make a spiderweb quilt!! Thanks for such a wonderful blog!!!
Hi, my name is Beryl and I live in Utah. If I won the scraps I'd use them in string quilts. I love your quilts and your quilting ideas. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Hi! What fun, my name is Angela and I live in the Chicago area. Those scraps would make a fun, summer table runner and placemats!
My name is Audrey, I live in Chicago, and would use the scraps to make scrappy crazy square type quilt to use as a throw for my living room.
audreyj84 a+ gmail {dot} com
My name is Alyssa and I live in California. If I won I would use the scraps to make a log cabin quilt for my youngest niece who just learned to walk.
I need scraps!! Just getting started here and have a tiny collection :) I'd make a scrapy quilt with those beauties!
Ooh...yay! I really do love these fabrics. I'm Jennifer and I live in Georgia. I would use the scraps for a doll quilt and/or a pillow for my girls' room.
Hi - My name is Anne Marie and I live in Texas. I would love to use these scraps to make pincushions and/or a small quilt. Thanks for this chance to win.
My name is Melissa and I'm a fabricaholic. I live in HOTlanta. I would totally make some kind of quilt with these. Maybe use them for a wonky log cabin or a wonky braid. Definitely something wonky, cause that's me.
My name is Jen and I live in greensboro NC, only for a few more months as we are returning to NOR CAL! I would love to try a spiderweb block or a wonky log cabin block/quilt~
Such fun. I am Connie and I live in Oregon. I would us the scraps in a scrappy coin quilt. I would like to make one to cover up with this winter. Thanks for sharing. I am almost done with my 9 patches too.
Hi! I am Chrissy and I hail from North Carolina! I love fabric and I love the Oh Cherry Oh fabric! I would totally work these scraps into the cutest baby quilt ever for my friend's new little girl!
hello, my name is vanessa who wants to be as cool as amandajean christenson.
i currently live in the middle of nowhere, and i would totally tell everyone that i won something that "THE" amandajean touched and then i would make a little pinwheel quilt for my daughter's baby doll.
My name is Amy and I live in San Jose, CA - The Capital of Silicon Valley! I would use the scraps to make a set of placemats for my 2 daughters. I don't make too many things for them and am working on doing more!
Hi, my name is Elaine and I live in Texas. I would like to win the fabric scraps so I could make a quilt for the Mountain Babies project and one just for me to cuddle under. Thank you, Elaine
Hi, my name is Amelia and I live in Provo, UT. I think I would make a skirt for my niece and use the scraps to make raggedy ruffles all the way up it.
Hi my name is Amy and I live in Utah.
If I was lucky enough to win your pretty scraps, I would make cards with them!
Hi Amanda, I am Diane in Wisconsin. I would combine your scraps with some scraps I have from this line to make a cute doll quilt for my god-daughter. Right now I don't have enough, but with these I certainly would.
Hi my name is Steph and I live in Ontario, Canada.
If I won those pretty cherry scraps I would either make a doll quilt or a baby quilt.
My name is Becky. I live in Utah. If I had your scraps I would add them to my string quilt squares. I need something new to add in.
My name is Stephanie and I will in HOT Florida. HOT I am telling you.
Anyways... I really want to make a coin quilt or something scrappy with the oh cherry oh for my daughter. I love that line - so cute.
your cherry o quilt is fantastic! I live in Mesa, AZ where it is HOT!!! I love scraps. next on my list of quilts I have to do is a log cabin. wouldn't these look great? thanks for the chance!
Hi! My name is T*or*ina and I live in northern MN. My daughter has gotten into quilting recently (see tubaville.wordpress.com) and I would give her the scraps to make something wonderful for charity. I also quilt and make tote bags but these would be just for little T. They are happy like she is.
My name is Meg and I live in CT. I'm a huge fan of scrappy, strippy quilts. I'd love to use the scraps for a heartstrings quilt--I'm trying to make a top a month for the local chapter of Project Linus. Oh-cherry-oh fabric is so bright and cheerful, I think the scraps would be perfect in a child-sized scrappy quilt.
Hi amandajean. My name is Suzanne and I live in southwestern Indiana. I want your scraps because they were yours and I admire your work so much but there are many others who need them much more than I do. I just commented so I could go on record as one of your readers. Thank you for sharing with everyone!
Hi- I'm Stephanie from Utah. I have 4 little girls that I am dying to teach quilting to this summer. I'm sure that if we won the darling scraps our first project would be a doll quilt- what else with 4 little girls?
Hi, my name is Kyra from Washington, and if I won these scraps I would probably make a string quilt for a local charity.
My name is Jenn & I'm from California. I have a 3 1/2 year old & several of her dollies need blankets & pillow for nap time. I could really use some different colored scraps.
Hi, I'm Aleisha from South Carolina. I have been wanting to start a spiderweb quilt and these scraps would be a perfect addition.
Beautiful quilt...and awesome scraps!!
My name is Pearl and I live in PA. I've been wanting to make a coin quilt...these scraps would be perfect for that!
My name is Susan and I live outside of St. Louis Missouri. I would add the scraps to my stash and just stare at their beauty for the first week and then I would figure out a way to make a quilt :) I am currently on my second quilt (which I'm following your directions for the ragged squares). I LOVE the way your oh cheery oh quilt turned out!!!
Hooray for finishing your quilt!
My name is Lesley and I live in Brooklyn, Ny. I love scraps because I'm on a crazy lady teeny tiny hexagon kick and I'm also dying to try a spiderweb quilt, but I don't have enough variety in my fabric pile yet. Oh, random number generator, pick me!
Hi there, I'm Molly and live in Southern Oregon. Your beautiful cherry quilt inspired a cherry post on my blog! :) I would use the scraps to make a doll quilt for my daughter! Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Hi Amanda, I'm Jody from New Jersey. I love your blog - all of your work is so beautiful. I would use the scraps for a table topper, and maybe a summer purse. Thanks for all your inspiration!
jlk625 at gmail dot com
Hi my name is Stefanie, I live in Washington State. If I won I would probaly make a pillow or something for AmandaJean because she is an amazing inspiration!
Hi, Robin from Florida and I'm also getting ready to start my first string quilt. Your scraps would make a nice addition to what I have been collecting :)
Hi! My name is Stephanie and I'm from Northern California. It's hard to say exactly what I'd use these awesome scraps for, but my first thought was "How cute would those be as a tiered ruffled skirt for one of my daughters..."
But it's hard to say without seeing them. Maybe incorporated into a fun summertime picnic quilt. The possibilities are endless!
My name is Misha and I live just outside Pittsburgh, PA! I'm obsessed with all things cherry. I've been fawning over this fabric for months, if only I could afford to buy some! (Cherries are my favorite thing! I even named my dog Cherry!) I would probably hoard these scraps just to look at them! No really I would make pillows for my bed--to match my cherry sheets, duh!
my name is Susan and i live in Tennessee. I'm thinking I would make a couple of doll quilts for my daughter and niece with these scraps.
Hi Amanda! My name is Shanna from North Carolina. I am working on a spiderweb quilt and it is slow going but would love to add your scraps to the project!!
My name is Katherine and I live in Blacksburg VA. I just finished my first improvisational log cabin quilt, and if I had your scraps I'd make another one! katherinellison at hotmail dot com
How did you get SOOO many friends?!? I don't even stand a chance with all the friends you have. . . ;0)
My name is Leisel (like in the Sound of Music), I live in Twin Falls, Idaho. And I have no idea what I would do with the scraps, except that I would love them! You can never have too much fabric, right? Or well, maybe YOU can, but I can't! ;)
My name is jennifer and I live in Wisconsin. I have just begun quilting again after homeschooling both of my children. My daughter is getting married in a month so I would make some potholders for her with your scraps.
Good afternoon! My name is Jenn and I live in Iowa. If I were to win the scraps I would use them to make coiled baskets. A friend and I are going to try making fabric wrapped coiled baskets and those scraps would make adorable bowls and baskets for my daughters' bedroom!
Hi! Ranelle from Keller, TX. I'd love these little scraps to add to my stash. They'd be great for some fabric notecards or gift tags.
Thanks!! ranelle.king@yahoo.com
Hi, I am Dot from Jefferson, GA. The scraps would be donated to my guild, Cold Sassy Quilt Guild in Commerce, GA, to use to make quilts for the Commerce Police Dept. These quilts are given to children when the police are involved with the child in bad circumstances. This has been our service project for five years. Thanks for the offer of your scraps.
My name is Linda and I live in Ontario, Canada. I would love to use your scraps to make a fun table runner for my kitchen table! Count me in!
Hi, I'm Anita and I live in Florida. Would love to win those scraps...I have been making the 9 patch blocks and really need some pretty fabrics to finish the quilt.
Hi! My name is Kate and I'm from Texas. As a first time expectant mother I would use these scraps to make a nice warm baby blanket for my child due in February!
my name is eileen and I live in Lansing, Mich. If I were to win these scraps, I would probably take a stab at a spiderweb quilt or some other string pieced block, maybe a log cabin. if I win, you can email me at eileen0313@comcast.net
I'm Valerie, I live near Ottawa, Canada, and I'm collecting scraps for a string quilt. I promise if I win I will love and fondle and USE those scraps :)
My name is Gert, I'm a male quilter and I live in Utrecht, the Netherlands. If I would win this lovely giveaway (I never win...:-( I would make a lovely scrappy-improv-log-cabin-quilt (that would make a lovely Scrabble score) So please count me in ^_^
Hi my name is Erin... I love this fabric.. and in the off chance that I do win these scraps I will make my daughter another bed quilt... I love this line and have been looking at it for awhile I just couldn't afford it... so this would be perfect!
Hello! I'm Amy from southwest Ohio. I love scraps and would add these to my collection to make scrappy log cabin blocks.
I'm Robin currently from Provo, UT but about to move into the nowhere desert 29 Palms, CA. I'd love a happy project to have tot look forward too once we get all unpacked! I would make my 2 daughters doll quilts and pillows.
Thanks AmandaJean- I really enjoy your blog.
robear529 @ yahoo . com
My name is Rae in Tacoma, WA. I've been thinking of a crazy log cabin quilt and would go that route if I were given the scraps. Have a great day!
Well I am comment no 172!!! and my name is Sarah. I am from New Zealand. I am currently using tiny scraps to sew little houses onto cushion covers and anything else I can find to sew them to. I love houses it would seem! I don't have many scraps, or fabrics for that matter so these would be like a dream come true.
My name is Nicole, I live in the middle of nowhere. . okay alamogordo, New Mexico and i would love the scraps to make a log cabin quilt, simple and sweet.
Hi AmandaJean,
I currently reside in Arkansas and would love to incorporate the oh cherry oh scraps into the log cabin quilt I am making.
I love your blog and appreciate your giveaway.
Hello! My name is Dani. I'm currently working on collecting scraps to piece together my second quilt. The Oh-Cherry-Oh fabric would match perfectly with the scraps I've been collecting! And since I've been coming to your blog every day for the past few days just to admire that quilt, the scraps would sure be a treat to have!
Oh, by the way I'm from Logan, UT. :) And the best way to contact me is my email danifrisby@yahoo.com
Thanks! LOVE your blog. I spend way too much time on it. :)
Hi! I am Dianah and I live in California. I would use the scraps to make a string quilt.
Hi, my name is Gretchen and for the next few weeks I'm in Minnesota. Then we're moving to Kansas City, MO.
If I won the scraps, I'd probably stare at them wistfully then pack them away for after the move.
Once we moved, I'd put them in the pile for the spiderweb quilt I long to make in my new sewing room.
Hello, my name is Jesse and I live in Wisconsin. If these scraps landed in my lap I would make some small doll quilts for my daughters. And probably some patchwork pot holders, because this would make some cool kitchen accesories!
My name is Amanda and I am from Illinois. If I won the scraps I would probably use them to make a purse/bag.
I love your blog!
My name is kate from MI. If I had your super fun oh cherry oh scraps i think i'd add them to some placemats i've been dreaming of making. i think they would be fun for summer BBQs!
I am Kelly and I live in California. I have been looking out for scraps to make Fabric buttons with. I also want to make a memory quilt with cute fabric
Hi my name is Bonnie and you took the words right out of my mouth. I would make doll quilts. I am in several doll swaps.
Hi! My name is Tami and I live in Norman, Oklahoma -Boomer Sooner! If I were lucky enough to use these scraps of Oh Cherry Oh I would make a string quilt for one of my 3 new little grand-daughters or 3 little doll quilts for each of them. Love, Love, LOVE cherries :) tgallogly@yahoo.com
Hi, Amandajean
My name is Joan and I live in Ottawa, Canada. These scraps are perfect for the quilts my group and I make for the Neonatal ICU at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). We make hundreds of quilts every year to cover the incubators from harsh light and for the parents to wrap their wee ones in when they hold them. The colours oare bright and cheery, perfect for these quilts. Read your blog every day!
hi' my name is carmel and i live in israel and would love to win your scraps becues you have diffarent fabric then what we have over hear and i would love to use it for a applique picture for the wall for my next and new baby that will be born in 2 monthes from now
My name is Deanna and I live in Plant City, FL. If I won, I would make two doll quilts for my two nieces and their baby cribs.
Hi my name is Pat and I live in Wisconsin. If I were to win your scraps...I would divide them up and include them in my monochromatic crumb quilt blocks.
Hi. My name is Chantal and I live in Tennessee. If I were to win your scraps I would add them to my hexagon paper piecing quilt that I've started, and if there were some left over, I would try to use them to make appliques for blocks in bigger quilts.
I would LOVE to win your scraps to make some string blocks. I adore the colors of the scraps because they are so different from any that I have. Nancy from Wyoming
Good afternoon! My name is Marianne and I am a quilter (when my 7 month old isn't needing me). I would love those scraps! I'm making quilts for my family for Christmas and I can see those scraps in one of them! I'm going to do a log cabin quilt for my mom and those would fit into the other stash fabric I'm using so well!
Hi My name is Brenda I live in Kentucky. If I won these scraps I would start a spider web quilt.
Hi! My name is Regina and I live in Michigan. If I were to use these scraps I would add them to my Cathedral Windows Quilt that I have been working on for a while now. Here's a link to see how it showcases the scraps: http://bitnbyaquiltingbug.blogspot.com/2008/07/if-i-were-carpenterid-file-bankruptcy.html
Hello, my name is Rosário and I´m from Portugal. I´m a new quilter and I´m collecting scraps for my first workshop on Kaleidoscope Quilt, so I would love to have yours!
Hi! I am Rebecca and I live in Minnesota. If I won the scraps I would use them some in the quilt that my cousin and I are making together and some in a spiderweb quilt that I can't wait to make! I just need more scraps!
Hi, my name is Natalie and I live in Indiana. (I feel like I'm at a fabric-aholic's anonymous meeting!) If I had your scraps, I would make a Rock Star quilt.
Hello ! I'm Benedetta from Italy.. a city called Prato, near Florence .
I would like to use the scraps for a little thing which will makes remember of you ..... sorry for my english ! I love your blog !
Hi, I am Adrienne and I live in Colorado. I would love to mix your scraps into the Strawberry Lemonade scraps I have and make a quilt for my new little niece (maybe a wonky log cabin or sting blocks).
omg, look at the crazy amount of comments you are getting!! I am tina and I live in Toronto, Ontario. Love your blog and your quilts! I am thinking about scrappy handbag or some scrapphy indoor slippers. =D
Hi Amandajean and greetings from Scotland. We're in the midst of heatwave 25C!
I really love that Oh Cherry Oh fabric and I haven't found it here at all. I would love to try string quilts and maybe a spider web, they look so fab on all the blogs!
Thanks for your generosity!
AJ (if I win I'll tell you what the AJ stands for ;-) )
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