
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

one of today's projects...

i finally said goodbye to the circa 1997 floral wall paper in one of our bathrooms. it's so not my style. it took less than an hour to remove it. hurray! and now i'm wondering why it took me 362 days to get around to do this. next to go...the hunter green walls. soon!


  1. Yes! I admit to having stalked this blog all day waiting for a new entry so that I'm not the 110th comment and get missed :).
    I've been following your blog for a month or two now, and absolutely love it! It's so inspiring. So inspiring in fact, that I've started my own blog and wanted to let you and your readers know about it! Hopefully you like it and I'd love to get comments and suggestions on my blog, too!

    Keep up the awesome work!

    Cheers, Christine

  2. HA! Don't you love inheriting other people's design "style"??? My first house has pepto pink walls *and* ceilings. Not a cool pink, PEPTO pink ~ with pepto pink floral border similiar to yours, but it was up on top of the walls ~ over the whole first floor. YUK!!

  3. wooohooo! i am sure it looks SOOOO much better! :)

  4. Anonymous3:04 PM

    We're in the process of remodeling our master bath. We took down metallic green wallpaper and 12x12 panel mirrors. The joy of the 70's.

  5. That's nice. You'll have to give us before and after photos when you're all done!

  6. I had a Coca-Cola Border in my room growing up. I moved out at 18 and am now 24. Mom JUST took it down a year ago.... I seriously don't know why I even liked it!

  7. Motivation to change those little things is hard to find when there beautiful fabric about! Look forward to seeing the finish :)

  8. WOW!!! How very exciting!!! It's fun to get going on those things. It took you 362 day because you probably thought it would be a pain to peal off and who wants that headache. I could have helped.:)

  9. I think my stepmom has that exact same border in her kitchen.....

    can't wait to see the paint color!

  10. can't wait to see what you do with this project! i'm sure it will be amazing. :)

  11. It took you 362 days 'cause you were busy quilting! I feel your pain, but you know, you got off easy with only an hour. We stripped wallpaper for 4 hours last weekend -- and it was a small room! Can't wait to see what the new wall will hold!

  12. Woo hoo! I know how "not you" that border was! Now you can put your own touch to it! :)

  13. Well you have had projects that needed to be done and then shared with all of us ;-) But it sure does a person good to redo something that is so "not you"! Enjoy the redo.


  14. oh come don't love that hunter green and mauve flowers? i love when you show us a snipit of your house! can't wait to see what you do with the bathroom. ;)

  15. Yay! It's so freeing to get rid of old, inherited home decor. :-) Hope you have good momentum and can get to the green paint soon.

  16. Can't wait to see the "after" pictures.

  17. It amazes me how there is always something to do in a house. It is never ending. I actually have been painting all day-not walls-but end tables. I probably will be blogging about it. Imagine that?

  18. What have you been doing the last 362 days? Uh...quilting and blogging about it for us? *lol* You know, I've come to learn that whether your house is 5 years old, 15, or 50 years old, you'll always be doing some kind of updating. Ours was built in 2001 and I really want to redo the valances and roman blinds... needs updating, but I cannot commit to anything just yet!

  19. Yippee! for productivity. Nothing like forcing your hubby to finish a job that you start, huh? Or do you plan on finishing it yourself?

  20. Oh you should check out my bathroom wallpaper. It's very special - and my bathroom is tiny!

  21. One word, procrastination. That is the word most often used in our home. Then you always seem to be asking that other question when you are done,
    "why did it take me so long?"

  22. Yikes... I hate that border... but I like the color green but not in bathroom. I can related about taking so long to work on house renovations because it is hard work. Sewing n quilting is easier and cleaner :-) Enjoy redo your bathroom

  23. I can certainly relate to this. My first house was wall paper room after room after bathroom. After spending 2 years of scraping, washing, painting (nice neutral colors) and getting ride of cottage cheese ceiling and gold fixtures (all kind), we divorced and sold the house! Woohoo... LOL I have a nice house now and a wonderful new husband. He loves when I quilt, that give him time to go fishing... or maybe it's the other way... LOL
    Anyhow, good job!

  24. Now, how can you not like that, uhm, uh, "nice" paper? I love projects like that.

  25. Don't feel bad. It will be 2 years in May we have been in this house and I still don't have curtains made for the kitchen!!!

  26. excuse me while i laugh!!!

    i mean, you HAVE to love it, a little bit.


  27. I would say you were pretty lucky -only an hour to get it off and in a reachable spot so you didn't have to hang off a ladder. Now, the green paint on the other hand might be a different, prime, prime! :)

  28. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Ha ha...our old house had hunter green wallpaper in the kitchen, the entire kitchen even the cabinet bulkhead.....I had to wonder what they were thinking and lucky took us days to get it all off.

  29. man, you scared me for a second there.

    I read your post title, then saw the picture and thought "Well, that does it, she just fell to the bottom of my favorite people list".

    I am SO GLAD to see your accomplishment was removing said wall paper and not applying it. You are back up to the top of my list now ;D

  30. Way to go! I have a huge bedroom covered in rose wallpaper that needs to go. The problem is that whenever I have a spare minute I say "quilt or peel wall paper"? Not a hard decision. You know I choose to quilt! ...someday though, my wallpaper has got to go!

  31. your bathroom looks frighteningly similar to my 1992 bedroom when I was going through my hunter green phase :)

  32. Wahoo! Now what I have you decided to replace it with?

  33. Can't wait to see the "after". Hunter green was very big in the 1990s. I had a hunter green carpet in my bedroom. I don't know what I was thinking. It showed every speck of dust and lint!

  34. I think I deserve some sympathy points because my mother put that same border up in my bedroom when I turned 13! Totally uncool! Good luck on the rest of the renovation process!


  35. Oh, I so understand this. We have lived in our house for 10 years and I am just now thinking about painting!!
    Good for you to get that bathroom done!
    My project is my kitchen/dining room FINALLY!

  36. Looking good so far! Nothing changes a room more than color- whats your paint color choice?

  37. My powder room and laundry room had that same stuff when we bought our current house, except the hunter green was wallpaper too and it was directly applied to new dry wall... so primer, no siezing, glued right on it. What a mess!

    We're both much better without it!!

  38. A couple years ago we stripped kitchen wallpaper and I wondered why it took me so long to do it. I guess we get used to what is in front of us, slightly anyway. Just when we get it all down wallpaper will come back huge.

  39. Ha! I'm doing the same thing. Getting rid of wallpaper border (almost identical!) and repainting a BORING bathroom!

  40. Buy yourself a big ole can of KILZ primer and a couple coats should seal that green right in there. I had to cover dark paint, but ready for a change!

  41. actually this has nothing to do with quilts but ur layout on blogger, how do you have the different pages set up on the 'tutorials' what gaget are you using to get that? thanks

  42. Wow - you're at your one year mark in your home, huh? My how time flies!
    It's funny - Barry and I put so much energy into prepping and painting our apartment when we first moved in, but we've done absolutely nothing to it since. There's a towel rack falling off the bathroom wall and a window frame that was replaced that needs to be painted...
    Good for you for getting to that trim. I wish I had it in me to tackle those little projects.
