Saturday, December 20, 2008

what's going on

We got 6" (at least) of fresh snow today and we stayed tucked in at home. I love that.

The kids and I are playing Sorry to try to ward off the crabbies (and the bickering).
My husband is cooking dinner. (I love him!)

And I'm doing some last minute knitting.
I'm making fingerless gloves based on this pattern,
while snuggling under my Christmas quilt by the fire. Ahhh.
What's going on at your house?


Anonymous said...

Lots of snow here as well, kind of snowed in, having a hard time getting into any sewing today. :) Christmas presents wrapped, and trying to get more into the Christmas spirit. Thanks for your fun blog. I love to read it.

Joanne said...

Its summer here but we've had a dull, cool spell. Today is glorious, sunny and warm so I was out early in the vegie garden and pruning roses before it got too hot. The kids had their first sleep in of the school holidays, then played on computers but now they are awake and outside soaking up some sun. An easy, relaxing, sunny Sunday, especially with this head cold that I have!

Cara said...

In VA we have rain. Today we melted crayons (see my blog!)and saw Santa riding through the WalMart parking lot on a big fire truck.

Jessica said...

Today it is still snowing 1 inch per hour so I've been stuck inside. In fact, I've been stash busting and making your tree's on the long arm right now and should be done tomorrow (fingers crossed!)

Lynn said...

It's rainy, and warm here in NC. I wish it would be cold - just for Christmas day - and some snow. Looks like there is snow almost everywhere else. We are finishing decorating, a birthday tommorrow and I'm trying to finish up sewing some presents - oh and I started a flea market fancy quilt!! Is it okay to give a top with a promise to finish it?

Anonymous said...

pressing the last of the squares for the zig zag quilts...gluing heads onto clothespins for little b's birthday dolls...sticking cards in envelopes...designing new year's invitations...all at once? i guess i'm a crazy mom too.

Linda said...

I had to battle the snow this morning to go to work and home again at noon. I have since holed up in my house to finish the binding on a quilt. Not going anywhere tomorrow, either. Tomorrow will be my knitting day. ;0)

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

We had a dusting of snow, smattering of sleet and COLD weather... it all stuck to the trees here in NYC. So very Christmas-y! We relaxed. did basically nothing, all day! ahh!~

Unknown said...

Yes, it has been snowing here since yesterday and will snow some more tomorrow. Yesterday about 10 inches, today about and inch, tomorrow another 8. I have a cold and also have been snuggling under a quilt by the fire doing a little stitching.

Anonymous said...

Well, it was sunny and 72 here in san diego ca. today.
I did a little shopping. I'm having Christmas Eve at my house so I'm trying to get things done. And had a chance to work on a quilt by Mary Mashuta called..
Goes Around Comes Around, it is in Kaffe Fassett's
Quilts in the sun Book. But the best was I ordered some Guatemalan fabrics.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Debbie in San Diego

QuiltNut Creations said...

we are currently waiting for a snow dump lol. the crankies are just setting in but it's almost bedtime for the youngest two. and dh cooked dinner tonight too(love that!) and i shoved aside all my unfinished Christmas gifts to whip up something for me lol

Amy Jo said...

Good Evening, my friend. Today I spent hanging out with D - just recooperating and relaxing. Out to dinner, then to WalMart - trying to avoid leaving the house tomorrow - as the snow you got today is expected at my house tomorrow!!

Hope the kids are well and don't drive you up a wall!

Miss you tons.


Tamara Lund D.C. said...

Looks like a lot of snow! I also posted a "whats going on" Thanks for the inspiration.

Katie K said...

Shopping, then wrapping, wrapping, more wrapping & then signing Christmas cards. There's nothing like a deadline to get motivated! :) And my two older children were playing Candy Land with Daddy.

Leslie said...

snow days are nice for relaxing!! i have made several pairs of those fingerless gloves and they are so fast and turn out great

tam said...

We have had sooo much snow here in Washington too! An d right now we have a steller storm rolling in -high winds and more snow! We have been home -the whole family at one time! Yay! We had a birthday party for our granddaughter-she is three-hooray! It was a ton of fun! Now we are watching funny movies hoping we don't lose power(fingers crossed)Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

been stuck at home for almost a week...yep, snow... you guessed it!
Dad and boys playing football on playstation, baby girl in bed, and older girl doing some Christmas mazes printed off the internet. Dishes done, apple pie candle burning, and me here at the computer.
That's what's happening right now.

Anonymous said...

Its been pretty hot here today. My husband and I got up early and went for a swim in our pool then had a family lunch then more swimming in the pool. He's pretty stuffed now so plans on relaxing a little and that means time to fit in some sewing for me :)

Crafty Mama said...

It's hot here. Just working on quilts, with the dear husband helping with placing pieces of the ragged squares quilt. I love him!

Mandalin said...

We've had a beautiful sunny warm day here in Australia. But I've been cleaning/tidying the house and packing suitcases for our trip to the UK tomorrow. My two boys (4 & 8) can barely contain themselves, thank goodness for trampolines!

Tine said...

Oh...nothing as nice as this! I want to come to your house :)

Mandy said...

It's warm, raining, and humid here in Tennessee:( I'm so jealous of your snow! Today is my baby's third B-day and we're having a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party!

sammyjo said...

oh im going to be so jealous if you have a white christmas! hehe

Renee said...

It's almost the same things goning on at my house!... well, except the husband cooking part ~ but I love my guy too. :)
We've had a ton of snow and there supposed to be lots more coming. We really enjoy being all snuggly and nesty at home.

Heather said...

I'm being lazy in my pj's, the kids are building cushion forts, and later I'm taking my girl to see her first Nutcracker ballet.
This is redundant to say to a woman who owns 683 quilts, but stay warm and enjoy your snuggly weekend!

rosehippo said...

Lucky! All we have is a ton of rain and icy trees. I want snow so bad!

Jeri is said...

I'm just north of Seattle, buried in snow. It's been a very long week what with the snow and ice. I've been doing some sewing, I'll finish up the last 8 of the 20 gigantic 18 1/2" scrappy log cabin blocks I'm making for a top. It feels good to use up scraps and strips I've held onto for a long time.

I've been staying indoors while my son is sledding with friends here in the neighborhood and my daughter is getting ready to go to the Seahawks game today. Hubby is shoveling snow off of the grass so our dog has a little bathroom for her to use. Snow is too deep for her.

Might do some baking, but definitely staying inside.

Sara said...

Lots and Lots of snow here in New Hampshire!

So, today I'm watching the snow fall - watching the Food Channel and Travel Channel - and knitting!

Philigry said...

we are kind of doing the same thing here. the blizzard just started and I am knitting, and eating way too much! sounds like you had a great cozy day!

Anina said...

Lots of snow here too (in Seattle!).
Making Christmas cards. I know, I know, it's kind of late...

SuzyQSparkles said...

Wicked Wyoming Winds = COLD!

Finishing knitting a "Firefly, Jayne" hat for hubby's present.

Wrapping presents.

Sewing binding on a Christmas Quilt. Need to quilt another Christmas Quilt.

Christmas goodies (cookies to frost, fudge to make).

Preparing for my Son's surgery (pre-op on December 23rd, Surgery December 26th). It's weird to be preparing for surgery (120 miles away) and Christmas in the same week. I'm afraid it's putting a damper on our Holiday Spirit, but by Grandad just reminded that it's also serving to distract my son from his surgery!

Annie said...

That sounds like bliss. It is so hot here at the moment that I am suffering sunburn! The hot wind is roaring, and I really need to start organising myself for Christmas. I've just finished work on Friday and am in a HUGE mess. Wish I was at your place.

Sara said...

Lots of snow for you!

Sorry is my all-time favorite game!!

I love the flea market quilt!

lera said...

I can't believe how much snow you've been getting lately! Man. I'm glad it's you and not me. :-)

Heidijayhawk said...

finally finished nutcracker for the year! yea! back to some sewing and family for me!

Anonymous said...

Not much happening here. Certainly not any snow! Maybe a few rain showers later, I hope.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great day!

Miaou said...

Aw, lovely. No snow here (Scotland), just very cold and lots of rain! And the boys are ill so lots of tlc going on and very little crafting, sadly.

Anonymous said...

i love that glove pattern, it's so quick and easy, i've made multiple presents this year using it.
keep warm and happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

I used to love Sorry as a kid. :)

Baking, finishing a 68 page booklet before Christmas, panicking about making Christmas dinner twice for large groups of family. That's what's going on in my house.

IbisStreet said...

We drove to Palm Springs from SD last week, and about halfway there we started seeing snow in the mountains ... tons of it on the mountains surrounding Palm Springs but nothing like what the rest of the country is experiencing. Enjoy it and stay safe and warm. Susan in SD

sulu-design said...

We're seeing crazy amounts of snow here in Portland, and I'm loving going for walks in it during the day (the streets here don't get plowed, so there are very few cars out and we can walk down the center of usually busy streets), but getting cozy and tucked in for the evenings. I hope stir craziness isn't setting in with the kids. There's always shoveling, I guess (your son's comments was ADORABLE).

Rebekah said...

I love your old school sorry game! And your hand warmers are looking lovely. I'm making a pair myself right now.

Anonymous said...

where are you guys at with all the snow..i am in iowa and we have much snow