This past weekend while we were traveling, I was able to finish up two doll quilts. I thought I would share a few measurements/directions on how to make these. It's not rocket science, by any means, but when you are in a time crunch, it's nice to have someone else do the math for you. (At least I think so.) I'm making a few sets of these for gifts for some special little people for Christmas.

This quilt measures 12" x 16".
The squares are 2.5" cut, and 2" finished.
For the red, make a piece of patchwork that measures 18" x 2.5"
Cut 2 pieces of aqua fabric:
9.5" x 18" and 4" x 18".
Sew together using a quarter inch seam and quilt as desired.
For the pillows:

cut the fabric 4" x 6", sew on all 4 sides, but leave an opening for turning and stuffing, then sew the end shut. Easy peasy.
cut the fabric 4" x 6", sew on all 4 sides, but leave an opening for turning and stuffing, then sew the end shut. Easy peasy.
She bought it in 1978, when I wasn't quite 3 years old! It's high time that someone is using it.
I'm so glad that I'm the one who is. :)
For the pillows cases...
the one on the left is 3.5" x 9"
the one on the right is 5.25" x 9"
press the seam toward the smaller piece of fabric (in this case, to the left)
pin 2 sides and sew, again using a 1/4" seam

turn over the raw edge about 1/4", press

fold the end down to just cover the seam line
turn over the raw edge about 1/4", press
fold the end down to just cover the seam line
then press
Very sweet!
~Tam :D
So cute it hurts!!!
They are gorgeous! So cute :) I think I can whip some of these up for Christmas - what a great idea!
Absolutely you had fun in making them...this is a double present - you and the recipient.
I thought I was finished with my Christmas prep. But I might have to make a few of these cute things.
So adorable! I just love the red and aqua and cherries together.
if only there were some girls in my family to sew for! i've got 4 boys, but a hopeful niece-to-be in the summer...
they're adorable and as soon as i've got a girl to sew for, i'll be making a few.
Too cute!
Sooooo cute!
Oh, those little pillows with their own pillow-cases are too adorable.
I love the little pillowcases. That's a great idea to add a special touch to an ordinary thing, especially when given as a gift.
So sweet!
Very adorable! (As all your designs are!)
Those are adorable pillows! After I make a few doll ones, I may up the pattern for some funky pillow cases for myself.
these are adorable. i'm bookmarking this so when i have little granddaughters i can make them sets of these. i love the ticking...that is so special.
oh, how precious!!! Seriously. I absolutely love these. I know a special little one that would love a doll quilt and pillow for her dolly. Thanks for the tutorial.
these are adorable! i did a bit of squealing myself when i saw them :-)
I am definitely making one of these for Christmas! I absolutely love the little pillow and pillowcase. It is almost to cute.
I like to make doll bedding out of vintage linen and bits of old lace for trim. You can make gorgeous little pillowcases out of a scrap of linen and the old handmade lace taken from a real human-sized pillowcase where the fabric has disintegrated.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I been seeing this thing "doll quilt" on many blogs and thought it was just that, but wasn't REALLY sure because was it too obvious? :) Seeing your tutorials, including the pillows & pillow cases, well, I can't help but fall in love! I may have to make some and when I know of a wee one born, I'll be so happy to give it away with much joy. Thank you so much for this wonderful, happy post! I think I'm feeling the Christmas Spirit now!
How cute these are! I especially like the little pillows and cases. Wouldn't these make a nice sachet? I can see one in Christmas fabrics with a red bow at the edge with a delicate scent inside. Hmmm....
you are right, those are way too cute! I should probably make one of these as a first quilt project. I just know Davis would love a baby quilt for her bitty baby. Now I just need to get some pretty fabric!
how sweet. If I had a doll, she would have nice bedding and a quilt also.. thanks for sharing.
these are the cutest pillows ever, and each of big B's four favorite 'friends' will be receiving one. THANK YOU!
OMG those little pillows and pillow cases are killing me! Sooooo cute!
Oh my gosh - these are sooo adorable! I am making the girls dolls for Christmas and these would be perfect to go with them!
If I was an 8 year old girl...I would so be asking for one of these!
I'm loving those adorable little pillows and pillowcases!
Absolutely gorgeous.
Oh, cute, cute, CUTE!!!!! This is on my list. Maybe my after-Christmas list ...
Does the cuteness ever end at your house??? I love it all! I wish I had a little girl again, it's been 15 years since my girls played dolls. You are so very giving to share this all. I will do....
Holy Cow Amandajean! Do you ever take a break???
You've done at least THREE beautiful quilts since I've been gone. I LOVE them all. The Christmas charm quilt is fantastic. (And doesn't it drive you nuts when those colors run???) I love the little doll quilts and pillows too -- what a perfect gift for a little doll lover!
So sweet! I especially LOVE when someone does the math for me! Thanks! I want to make some of these - at some point. Gee, I need someone that plays with dolls. Hmmmmmm.
oh my word, those are the cutest itty bitty pillows ever! Why have I not made this for Zoe yet?! OK no later than next Christmas I must make this!
Absolutely adorable!! We have an old dolls crib that I'm going to do up for my nearly 3 yr old. These will be just perfect!
these are so so so darling...i just kept saying "oh!" as i scrolled down through the page!
I have been using your tutorial on the pink ragged squares quilt for a christmas quilt. The top is done and looks so great! I am excited to get it finished in the next week. thanks for all your inspiration!
those pillows and pillowcases are painfully adorable...i love them
I am so in love with your blog! What great ideas. Since we're going "green" (pc for "we're broke") this year I'm going to make my daughter a cute little doll blankies and pillow for Christmas! Woo Hoo!
I gotta know, do you have a long-arm, or do you quilt on your machine?
Oh how I love your blog!! You have taught me so much! Your binding tutorial saved the day a month ago! I am here freezing in Minnesota and now I read we are about the same age. :) Fun. I started quilting just this year and I am hooked. I just love everything you put together and so appreciate the detail you give us! Thank you!
Alyson in Minneapolis
the little pillows and pillow cases are so sweet! makes me want to get some dollys to sleep on them!
These are fabulous! Thank you so much for the great tutorials!! I think some of these have to be made for some small teddy bears!!
seriously cute, that's what. those pillows are over-the-top with cuteness. SO dear.
А как вы так простегиваете одеяло?
OH thanks so much! Thanks for the idea, thanks for the measurements, thanks for the pillow explanations and thanks for the previous tutorials on your blog which will allow me to be capable of doing this project in time for Santa.
Ever so lovely! I think I will be making a few of those over the holidays!
So very cute! Darling! Do you remember the name of that aqua fabric? It looks so sweet with your reds! Thanks, Libby
Those are just adorable! Thanks for doing the math for us.
Come to my blog please to receive your award!!
the aqua fabric is some no name solid stuff I picked up at my local mill end outlet sometime last spring or before. now they are out of business. :( I wish I could help you with this!
I quilt all my quilts on my regular sewing machine. I have a JUKI TL-98Q. and it's fabulous.
I'm stopping tonight to get a bed for the AG doll that I'm pretty sure Santa is leaving this year for her. I was going to make her a quilt and pillow and now I don't have do any of the math - YIPPEE!!!
I'm seriously crying that the only little girl in my family is not in to dolls right now...
Adorable! Thank you so much for this. I'm finishing up my first quilt thanks to your tutorials and plan on making my dd her first dolly for Xmas. Now I think I'll be able to do this as well for her in time for Xmas. Thanks a million!
These are adorable. I will have to add it to my list of things to do.
Oh my, how cute are the pillow cases and the pillows! The doll quilt is awesome too!
I love those little pillows! I also love that there is a date on your grandmother's ticking. did she label it herself?
Um...this is probably the CUTEST thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!
So cute! I love them. I can't wait until my daughter is a little older so I have an excuse to make sweet doll quilts like these!
Yes! Always great to have someone "do the math", especially if it is a tutorial by you!
Thank you! I started a doll quilt but it's more square than rectangle. Oh well. I wanted to do a matching pillow too so thanks for those directions!
Jen :)
AWW! I love this, I'll be linking.
too cute! I should make a few of those :)
Those little pillowcases are just too cute.
AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad I have a daughter to make this for. But she's not even a year yet so...
yay, thank you! i've been looking for exactly this kind of thing for ages, you're a gem to do all the thinking for me :D
What perfect timing! I was just doing a search to see what size to make doll quilts...and then I read yours. Go figure, I had the answer in my bloglines waiting for me :)
That is so cute! any dolly would be happy to get a quilt for the Holidays :)
i've got to find a little girl to make that for!
that is SO cute!!!
those are super cute!
I wish my daughter played with her dolls. Perhaps I should make one of these for her favourite T-rex!
Fabulous! I've scheduled a link to this post to go live on my blog tomorrow morning (Central USA time). I hope it brings you a few extra clicks.
Your timing is amazing! I was just going to start some doll bedding for my daughter and my niece. This makes it so much easier! Thanks!
this is such a cute set...but then again tiny things for dolls and little girls are always adorable :)
the label was the original one from JCPenney back in 1978. isn't that great?
THANK YOU! My mother-in-law is getting my daughter a doll bed for Christmas but the bedding is up to me. Thank you...
Thank you so much. You are an angle.
Ohh, I love these! I am making doll quilts for my girls for Christmas, and now I must make the pillows with the pillowcases. They are sooo precious! What a fabulous use of the ticking.
Oh my goodness those are so FREAKING CUTE!!! I am bookmarking this post I must try that. Brilliant.
They are super cute.
How adorable! I just love that you have a little girl around the same age as my little girl! She just got some dolls and a doll bed for her birthday and I've been planning on making some bedding to go with them - now I don't need to figure it all out! Thank you so much for all your great tutorials and instructions!
So stinkin' cute! Thanks for doing all the math. I wish I had the nerve to try stippling!
I agree... one pillow was cute. But a whole bunch of little pillows? *Squeee!*
This just might get me back to my doll quilt that needs a pillow and pillow case and a mattress for the little cradle.
Cute stuff!rei
So creative ans cute!
This is great! My daughter turns two this year and will be getting her first doll. I anticipate needing these directions soon. You're right -- not rocket science, but you saved me some time in providing the measurements. What great ideas.
Thanks for this tutorial! I crocheted a scarf and hat for my niece's American Girl doll and I think a quilt and pillow would be a nice gift to add to it. Those pillows are really cute!
Perfect! Just what I needed to get me moving on the quilts for the bunk beds that just arrived.
I hope you don't mind if I link to this tutorial on my blog.
:) Diane
Thanks for the tutorial. I'm planning on starting one this week.
Oh my those pillows are so adorable!
Your project inspired me! I spent a couple of very early morning hours making up a doll quilt and pillow case for a little girl I know. Pictures on my blog.
those are just darling!
I've been cheering myself on in the direction of trying quilting for a while now. These would be an adorable start... and then I could up the sizing a little for a toddler bed and work my way up maybe ;)
This is possibly a stupid question, but bear in mind, I'm not a quilter... how do you do the stippling? I like the effect, but don't have a hot clue how to do it.
They are lovely! Thanks for showing us how to do them! Lucy x
Just so adorable nothing like seeing a child putting her baby to bed thank you so much for the tutorial.
Wonderful job!
Great tutorial! Thanks!
so adorable! I was just thinking yesterday I needed to make a quilt for my daughter's babies, now I have the measurements, thank you!
there is a stippling tutorial (complete with video-but no sound) on my sidebar under "free motion quilting"...let me know if you have any more questions.
The mini pillows are killing me - so cute!
I LOVE your little pillow cases. I wish I had some ticking like that. I made several doll pillows out of muslin and pillow cases out of plain white fabric and trimmed with lace. They were quite cute too! I love making doll quilts too. My quilters guild is having a doll quilt challenge for 2009, so I need to dream up something for that. Enjoy your blog very much.
What a cute project!
So sweet - especially those tiny pillows in the ticking! I'm adding this to my 'must make if I don't run out of time' list!
Thanks so much for sharing this great tutorial--My little miss is receiving a doll bed for Christmas, and this tutorial will GREATLY help me finish the bedding.
Can you source the cherry fabric for me. It looks like a favorite dress of my daughter's but we haven't been able to find the fabric anywhere.
the cherry fabric is Dainties by Robert Kaufman. But it's old now (not sure how old), so it's hard to get ahold of...a fact I'm very sad about.
So very cute! My dd is getting an American doll bed for Christmas and I'm so bummed that I didn't see this tutorial sooner. Maybe I'll get her some bedding done for her birthday instead!
Thank you so much for the tutorial!!! I made a set for my girls for Christmas here: and linked to your blog. You have the greatest blog ever. :)
thanks so much for this tutorial!
i made a set for my kids for christmas, and it came out super-cute.
blogged here:
thanks again :)
Perfect silent auction item for my sons' school fundraiser that I can use my leftover fabric for. Yea! Thank you for such a cute idea!
Thank you for this tutorial! I've got a couple quilts and 5 pillows done for my children already, and there's still at least 2 more doll quilts to make up!
Hi there! I was google-ing doll bed quilts and stumbled here, and I'm so glad I did! My friend's husband is building some doll beds for their kids, and is going to make one for me in exchange for me sewing up some bedding. I'm so excited, and even more so now that I have some explicit instructions. As you say, it's not rocket science, but it's still nice to have it written out. :-)
Anyways, I've happily added you to my Google Reader and look forward to coming back again and again! I'm a relative newbie on the quilting front, but I really enjoy it.
Liz (aka "Goddess in Progress")
I would love to see your version of a kids backpack to hold these items and the dolly :)Christmas is coming up...
WOW! I accidently found your wonderful blog by looking for measurements for a doll quilt. I am so glad that I found your blog. I love everything you make and I think you have a very good eye for detail and color. Amazing! Wonderful instructions but I made my doll quilt a tab bigger with the pillow being one more inch bigger because I made a windmill quilt using my own measurements from a baby quilt. Thanks again!
I love your blog. I am a novice sewer and need all the help I can get... so thank you for posting such great tutorials and ideas! It is much appreciated.
So very cute!!! I plan to make some when I get home. Thanks!
Old post but my how cute. I just finished your scrappy doll quilt but this one with the pillows are just toooooo cute too. Perfect for abeginner like me. I like it!Thanks for ALL your sharing.
great tutorial! thank you for your help in pointing me to it!!!
Blogged here:
OMG I just made this doll bedding set as a last minute gift for a 5 yr old's birthday. So freaking adorable! I made the entire set in an hour. I strip-pieced alternating pattern strips, chopped into strips of 2" squares and sewed the rows together forming off-set blocks. Then I backed with white minky. The pillow case cuff was made with a leftover strip of patchwork. A-DORABLE. Thank you as always for providing use-able, easy, and divine tutorials!
Adorable. Thanks for posting the tutorial.
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