
Monday, November 17, 2008

pants made from pants

Thanks for all the get well wishes. I am happy to report that I am feeling much better. It was good to take a little break, but I am so happy to be back. I missed you guys!

This project has been in my head for months. It's simple, quick and inexpensive.
I took a pair of my pants that no longer fit me properly, placed pattern pieces (in my daughter's size) at the bottom hem of the pants, cut and sewed these up in a jiffy.

Adding a casing and some elastic at the top was all I needed to do to finish them up since the hem was already in place. These will compliment my daughter's many pink sweaters. I love pink and brown together.

I think the entire process took less than one hour, which included drafting a pattern from an existing pair of her pants and testing the pattern using a vintage pillow case.

Man, it feels good to cross this project off my list.


  1. very nice! Never thought of using existing clothing...great idea. Recycle and reuse :-)

  2. I love this idea, especially since the hem is already done (I hate hemming!)

  3. Great idea!
    I will need to see if I can re-purpose some pants for my 4 nephews. I will be visiting them for a month in December. They are in Europe.

  4. Good idea! I need to make some pj pants for my girls :)

  5. I contemplate doing things like this all the time, but I have a hang-up about cutting up something that's still wearable. I'd rather donate it so that someone else can wear it as it is. I really need to get over this. :-)

  6. What a great idea. You are so smart!! I love seeing what you come up with. :)

  7. You are brilliant woman!!!!

  8. I have the exact same plan, but can't seem to find the time. Poor Ava is in desperate need of pants that fit.

  9. I love it!! I think I may have to give it a try! Great job!

  10. This is a great idea! I love how you are turning something you can no longer where into something cute for your daughter. I love brown with pink.

  11. I'm doing the same thing with some of my husbands old jammy pants for some "new" jammy pants for my son.

  12. you are a fast sewer!

    and what a great idea!

  13. Smart idea !

    Enjoyed your blog very much, can't wait to catch up on the rest of it !

    Thanks !


  14. Glad you are feeling better! What a terrific way to recycle!

  15. Anonymous11:57 AM

    They look great!

  16. "Green" sewing! Great idea!!

    Jen :)

  17. That's a wonderful idea! And they look so cute!

  18. I can't believe I never thought of that when my kids were little. My oldest son would blow through a pair of pants the third time he wore them, always the right knee. Thank goodness for kid vantage at Sears or he never would have been able to leave the yard.

  19. So thrifty and resourceful and of course, amazingly creative!

    If it took you an hour, um, let's see, that would mean I would have to multiply by, then divide by and yes, it would take me approximately TEN TIMES as long as it takes you!!

  20. what a fabulous idea. they look great and are so simple

  21. What an awesome idea! Thanks!

  22. How cute! Great job, and it's wonderful that you re-used the old pants! I'm also glad you're feeling better!

  23. A great way to recycle fabrics. I love own creation of pattern. I wished I did not throw my pants away.

  24. Very clever and resourceful! And very cute pants. :)

  25. great use for old clothes. you can also make shorts or small pants out of knit shirts using the same idea.

  26. Welcome back! I missed you!
    I love to re-fashion my clothes into my daughters, but have never thought to use the existing hem. What a great idea. I am looking all over the house for my hubby's pants to try this trick on.

  27. Holy pajamas batman! What an awesome idea. I made dresses out of soft and pretty shirts before but had never thought about pants. Will have to try it!

  28. Glad you're feeling better. What a clever lady you are!

  29. What a great idea.
    I think I have to dive in my cupboard tomorrow and throw out all that pants that don't fit anymore.

  30. Anonymous3:45 PM

    such a great idea!
    You have a knack for making things look effortless :)

  31. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Adorable! I love it, though I have no idea how to work patterns.

  32. Good job-glad you are feeling better! Nothing worse then being so sick that you can not create! I often recycle clothes. In fact sometimes I will buy a peice of clothing, table clothe etc from a thrift shop with the intentions of re-creating it into something else. My grandmother who raised me and taught me to sew also taught me how to make do with what you haveand be resourceful! I am so blessed to have learned so much from her. I love your blog-glad to have found it! Thanks for the inspiration have a wonderful week...
    ~Tam :D

  33. Welcome back! Hope you're feeling better!
    The pants are cute. What a great way to recycle clothing!

  34. So cute! They look great on her :)

    Glad your feeling better

  35. Nice, useful, completed project.

  36. man, I'd kill for a pair of brown pants in my size :) those came out super cute!

  37. Great job & a great way to recycle. They look so cute on your daughter. Glad you are feeling better...welcome back to blogging!

  38. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Glad you are feeling better.
    I love brown and pink together so much that they feature in my wardrobe.
    The look great, wonderful idea.

  39. glad you are feeling better! I love that idea! I have done that with my old skirts too!

  40. I love projects that take less than an hour! Those pants turned out great!

  41. We all missed you very much this past week, it wasn't the same at all.
    I had to look at my blog over and over and you know it wasn't the same withouth out.
    welcome back

  42. Glad you're back in action. This is just pure Amanda Jean genius - pants from pants! I have lots of old jeans and am wondering if I can make jeans from jeans?! Will let you know how I get on!

  43. glad you are feeling better.

    SUPER cute idea!!!

  44. what can i say? when yer smart... yer smart!

  45. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Brilliant. I've got a closet full of pants I'm ready to take a crack at. Thanks for the tip!

  46. What a fabulous thrifty idea.
    Quite brilliant in fact.

  47. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I love this idea! What an awesome repurposeing of your pants. They look really cute.


  48. Welcome back, Amandajean!

    What a great idea this is and SO thrifty which is what we need nowadays!

  49. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Love the pants! As my 2yr old would say "What a great idea!". I might have to give that a try for some clothes for her sometime.

  50. Adorable! This is a great idea - nice work MOM!!!

  51. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Awesome idea! Will have to give it a try too.
    Glad you're feeling better; you were missed!

  52. Id love to see a tutorial for this.

  53. Oh, yes! Those are sweet. I'm happy to see you made a template first. I have kept all of mine from the past, just in case I ever need to make a pair for another little baby/child. I have them all labeled with the date and the age of the baby/child.

  54. what a great recycling project! And now they look adorable on your daughter!

  55. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better after a bit of a break.
    And I have to say, I am not a squealer, but when I first saw this photo of your daughter's adorable new pants, I let out the teeniest tiniest squeal. They are unbelievably cute!

  56. Anonymous8:13 AM

    super smart, lady! what a great idea.

  57. LOVE IT! what a great way to reuse and recycle. now i will look at thrift stores and garage sales in a different light.

  58. What a great idea! I have a couple of pairs of pants I don't use and I was wondering who to give them to, but now I know! Thanks for the tip!
