Also, I created a flickr group where you can share photos of the projects that you have made using the tutorials from this series "gifts to create for Christmas '08". I look forward to seeing your finished projects in the flickr pool.
Today's project was inspired by Roxanne. Last month when my husband and I went on vacation we got to see Roxanne's craft room in person. (More shots here.) It is fabulous. She has this great inspiration board that I just had to copy. She was gracious to give me all the info and to let me feature the idea here. Thanks so much Roxanne.
Start with a frame....(I got mine at a garage sale for FREE.)

Remove the glass, matte, and backing.
Paint frame as desired. I used some white paint to freshen up the frame.
Using the backing as a template, cut a piece of Design Tack to size. (Sorry I can't find a link for this product.) My husband picked up a piece of this material that measures 48" x 32" (or so) for $9.99 at Menards. It's a pressed board product with 2 sides...granite gray and brown..that supposed to look like cork board. Otherwise you could use Homasote fiberboard, like Martha recommends.
Find a piece of fabric that measures at least a few inches larger than the pressed board on all sides...
wrap the fabric around and tack on the back using staples. then press the fabric covered board back into the frame (it should friction fit, so there is no need to attach it further)
and you are done.
Here is mine in use. I LOVE it. Thanks to my sweet husband for hanging it up for me immediately. :)
I have 2 more projects in mind to use up the leftovers of the pressed board. Stay tuned.
Can't wait to make one for myself.
another great idea! love this.
Oh so cute and functional! I have a piece of corkboard in my garage that my husband wanted to sell or throw away. This would be a great way to salvage it and use it in my new workspace!!!
That really is a cute idea! I love that you have your matching sewn boxes in the background.
Great idea. Aren't the stripes distracting?
You really are crazy. As in, crazy good. And crazy productive. : )
i so need something like this, but no room on the walls. i'm doing a notebook now, but it gets so stuffed. i need to figure out where i could fit this.
Ooh love this! I already have a huge cork board in my sewing room, I wonder if I could cover it with fabric somehow? I will check when I get home if the frame comes off...
Simply done, and looks great! 8-)
Cute, cute, cute!
Nice! A real eye-catcher in your workspace. I love it.
Fun project though I won't be making one anytime soon-I am busier collecting boxes for my move.
love the inspiration board. Might just be the inspiration I need....hmmmmm...funny! :-) and love the stripey fabric!
You might want to check status on apples. M was out in the orchard behind our house yesterday and said that they don't look so ready just yet! Just thought I'd let you know....
miss ya
Wow! I just found your blog today and am absolutely hooked. I saw you on the Inspirational Craft Blogs site. I am so inspired after seeing your blog. I have a business making purses and so I share your love for sewing and quilting. As a matter of fact, one of my aunts is giving me an antique quilt frame that belonged to my great aunt. So exciting. Great tutorials too!
I love this. What a great idea!
you are on a roll!
SO many good ideas from you.
Thanks for taking the time to make these tutorials. they rock.
You really inspire me Amanda. I love your work.
That looks great with your wall color!
You're creating all sorts of projects for me to make...too bad it's my busy time of the year. I will need to make time for an inspiration board, though. Inspiration is so important (especially on busy days!)
Wow, that's so simple to make! And pretty too.
Another fantastic idea....thankyou
How cute is that...I'm going to make one and place you up there as my inspiration.
very cute! I've been wanting to make one of these for my sewing room. I imagine that you could also use a blank white canvas from Michaels and stretch and staple the fabric over the back too...
fantastic idea...i'm off to the
op-shop for a photo frame...thanks for the tutorial
I've seen these before but thanks for the tutorial. I love your fabric and it looks great! Your husband did a great job. I love your storage cubes too. I want to try and make some bigger ones. We will see how it works!
Thanks for sharing.
Perfect! I can see having this in nearly every room of the house. Not only would it be a great way to display favourite fabric, but keep me inspired and organized.
Super neat idea! Thanks for all the creative ideas you share with us.
What a great idea! I love having a bulletin board handy, but hate how tacky the corkboard can look as it gets older.
i love it!
you are super generous to take the time to do all these tutorials. thank you, amanda jean. i know they are a lot of work.
What a great project! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful ideas. I want to try all the ones you've posted so far, and I have a funny feeling I'll probably want to try all the ideas you have yet to share :cD
p.s. Love the look of your sewing area!!! So sweet!!
I should hate you for all your creative ideas and the amount of time I spend here, but instead I have nominated you for an "I Love Your Blog" award.
Now I have to do make some fabric containers!
Great idea. I have this on my to do list when I re-do my sewing room.
Love it! That is so simple and doable :)
I absolutely love this project! Adding this one to my to do list of projects too :)
Great ideas. SO many fun things to do with fabric to dress up something inexpensive. I also like to cover picture frames... thanks for sharing!
I've got a couple bulletin boards from garage sales that I've used to do this project. Just paint the frames, insert fabric around the board, and you have it. Most times I've got the boards for $2 or under. Great project though
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