
Thursday, April 10, 2008

starting week

Last week was finishing week, so naturally, this is starting week.

Here are glimpses of the 4 quilts that I started in the past 2 days.

What fun I am having!
It's apparent that even though my favorite color is orange, I am still awfully fond of pink.


  1. All of them are really cute although- I like the pink and green one the best! I am slowly starting to plan a quilt for my niece's wedding present next May. I figure at the rate I am going with the Funky Quilt I'd better get on it! :) ~hj

  2. Starting 4 quilts in 1 week - I envy you. I'm still trying to finish up my pinwheels and other started projects. Love them all!


  3. I'm bowing at your feet...four in a week! I'm agog at your productivity. Of course I love them all.

  4. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Oh I love them all. Which one will I try??? So many ideas. I have a new quilt for my daughter to make. Too many options.

  5. How fun! I love starting projects!

    I have two quilts that I am making myself finish before I start any more...

    Can't wait to see how yours progreses!

  6. Promising pictures! I like starting a new quilt better than finishing one!

  7. Oh, you shouldn't be teaching me that I could work on more than one quilt at a time! (LOL)

  8. You are *starting* four quilts? Oh my! Ms. Incredible!

  9. you are so industrious! I wish I could get my act in gear and start a project like this... I just have too much on my plate right now. But you are inspiring!

  10. i love pink too. i love orange and pink together even more!
    your quilts are going to be awesome!

  11. They are all beautiful. I can't wait to see how they all come together!!

  12. Anonymous7:21 PM

    They look great! I am starting my finish it up week tomorrow night. I am even more determined now that is followed by start it up week. Yippe!!

  13. How much fabric do you have????
    These all look wonderful, especially the pink ones. :-)

  14. Wow! You are motivated! And these are some really beautiful starts.

  15. Anonymous8:01 PM

    You rock sister! Your quilts are awesome, I'm really enjoying your blog!

  16. anina,

    I have enough fabric in my stash to make at least 15 quilt tops. it's more than that, but after 15 I stopped counting and put myself on a fabric diet. fat lot of good that did me, but still. I'm back on the wagon again.

  17. Beautiful, I can't wait to see all four of them.

    I have a question- Do you know of a way to revive an old quilt, a very old quilt. Someone very special made it when she was young and gave it to me- I worked with her, I was her nurse. Anyhow, some of the squares are ripped and some are practically missing. Do I cut out the lines of sqaures and replace, then re-sew down to a smaller size? Or could you refer me to a sight? Thanks.

  18. I can't choose a favorite. They are all pretty.

  19. oh for crying out loud! Four quilts in one week! Geez...I still need to pull my ONE back out and work on it again! I don't even want to tell you how long ago I started it!

  20. Very nice...there is a lovely lot of variety in these four quilts...

  21. Four quilts in one week, that's what I like!!! Creativity just have to flow. I can't wait to see all of them, you do such a fine work!

  22. You just amaze me!! Fantastic, can't wait to see the progress.

  23. They are all so lovely I can't decide which the most.
    May I ask why do you start 4 quilts at the same time? are there advantages for doing so?
    I find that interesting because I have also some projects in different stages but I never thought about "massa-quilting". it is a new idee.

  24. I love starting quilts but after having a pile of countless wsip I put my self on project diet, just go on or finish what I have, so I indulge in your new projects even more for not contributing to my "pile" but to my fun! I'm in pink too even if orange and green are my faves, perhaps because it is a spirit lifting colour?

  25. What size are these blocks?

  26. ayala levinger,

    there is no good reason for starting 4 quilts at one time. I couldn't decide which one to make, so I started a bunch. I had all the fabric sitting in my stash, so I figured the sooner I start on the quilts, the sooner I will finish them. at least that is my hope! :)


  27. melissa,

    I don't know of any sites about reviving old quilts. there are differing opinions on whether or not it should be done, but I would say try to salvage it if you can. sorry I can't help you on this's something I haven't done.

    good luck!


  28. rachael adele,

    the block sizes are as follows...
    in the first photo each of those 4 squares are 5.375" unfinished.

    in the second photo, each of the 4 blocks are 11" unfinished

    in the third photo the block is 14"

    and the last block is 12.5" unfinished.

  29. As always, I love your blocks, ALL of them! Have fun!

  30. Those blocks are going to make some awesome quilts. I love them all but I'm partial to pink/green combo and I've been on a polka dot kick lately. :) Great go girl! LOL

  31. love the two tone log cabin...a quilt like that is on my wish/to-do list

  32. I love the triangles (from the first picture). Maybe it will inspire me to make a quilt like that.

  33. I have FINALLY found another person that loves orange! You seriously need to see my kitchen
    ;-) Up next on my quilts to make list - an orange one of course!
