1. I am left handed.
2. I bake nearly all of my own bread (with the help of my bread machine).

organizer pouch from Sarah P.

3. I worry about nonsense things like: what will I do when I fill up my quilt cupboard?

My husband also teases me about worrying about paint coming off the walls.
4. I have become quite the homebody. I like to think that I am adapting very well to my current situation of being a stay at home mom. :)

bracelet from Katie.
5. I have made about 60 quilts baby size or larger. This summer will mark 8 years of quilting for me. Many thanks to Nancy for teaching me.

"Dot" from Linda, for my 5 year old.
6. I have reoccurring dreams that I am a runner and that I enjoy it. I'm not sure what that means. I think running is torture, so I admire those who do run. (susan, erin) I also have reoccurring dreams that I am a smoker. (I am not.) I don't get that one either.

Mitts from Carolyn, made just for me!!!
7. I have not had a blogger meet up yet. I tried meeting up with Carolyn a few times, but it hasn't worked out. I know several bloggers in real life though.
(oh, my, that was difficult.)
Care to join in? I am not going to tag anyone specifically.
Thanks, ladies, for all the wonderful mail!
I am planning on working on this this weekend. I am sure my husband will be thrilled. ha!