
Thursday, October 04, 2007

patchwork obsession: part 19

patchwork tissue holders

These were made from bits in my scrap box.
Last Sunday, while in church, my friend went through about a dozen tissues. I felt so bad for her (she has sinus problems) that I gave her my fabric tissue holder. She loved it. I decided to make a bunch more: one for each purse that I currently have in rotation, (photos here) and then a few more to give away as needed. It's getting to be cold season, and how nice would that be, to hand someone a kleenex pretty (as Amy Jo calls them) when they have the sniffles?


  1. Such a simple little project yet it's so cute! I love your tissue holders!

  2. They are the cutest thing and so great for using odds and ends of fabric.

  3. I love my kleenex pretty (even more so now that I have this cute name for it). They do make such sweet little gifts.

  4. I love it when I recognize fabric on your blog!!! These are awesome! Hope the scraps I sent weren't too small - I am always amazed at what you create with scraps, so I sent you every square inch!

  5. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I love my kleenex pretty :)
    You are too sweet. I wish you lived in my neighborhood!

  6. Anonymous3:06 PM

    They look great! Making one for each purse (and some to spare) is a good idea.

  7. Fun. I like the tissue holder you gave to me, even if it isn't patchwork.

  8. So pretty, and what a great idea to have plenty to spare. I always seem to have pockets full of tissues.

  9. I do love the kleenex pretty!! That's on my list of things to make as well - good, quick, and easy!! Love them!

  10. What a great idea. I should make some to randomly give away. (I made 38 for Christmas last year.)

  11. perfect!
    i LOVE tissue cozies, and the fact that these are patchwork is even better!

  12. Your kleenex-pretties are adorable!

  13. those are too cute! what a great idea. :)

  14. Very nice! Love your fabric choices.

  15. Aww, that was sweet of you. I'm sure it made her feel a little better. They are very cute!

  16. Lovely and sweet. Dou you happen to know a tutorial for the tissue holders? I would love to make some!

  17. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Just adorable sister! What will you think of next? Do you sell them, I woul dlike to buy a few...It's been fun to catch up on your blogs...I love to see your new creations...Morgan and I looked at all your quilts you have made, both going, thought they were beatiful as well. You are so thoughtful to bless your friends...your new friend was i am sure touched by you blessing her with that...Yes, you are a sweetie...Hope you are havin a great weekend! Love, Lucy

  18. Anonymous8:37 PM

    These are so cute! I made one for myself, but giving them away is a great idea. Great way to use up some scraps.

  19. They're so cute! I should make some for myself because it seems every time I make one I give it away.

  20. Such pretty tissue holders! I love how you made them to match your purses:)
