
Saturday, August 18, 2007

L is for...

Legos. We have over 3000 of them.
The kids spend hours playing with them.
Lego time for them = sewing time for me.

Laptop. I especially love it on a cool day like today, sitting under a quilt, blogging.
Oh, yeah.

L is also for lists. I love to make them.
M is for Mountain Dew. I have one almost every morning for breakfast.
(It's terrible, I know.)

N is for Naps. For the kids, or for's all good.


  1. We have tons of Lego too. Josh doesn't want me to get rid of them even though they've been stored in the garage for years. Maybe they'll be worth something one day...

  2. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Legos legos + more legos. We have so many I had to get new containers for them. We mostly have the Batman legos which I thoroughly enjoying helping my son play with :) Have you seen catwoman as a lego??

  3. We love legos and we always seem to get more.

  4. are the girl and boys from the harry potter sets? because i don't recognize them.

    and i totally want those pig tails!

  5. Cool day? It's cool somewhere in the US?
    Mountain Dew is my favorite soda too. I have no problem with a Dew for breakfast.

  6. a what? a nap? what is THAT! and i am currently under my quilt with my laptop what a great place to be!

  7. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Sometimes I think that we have about a billion Legos. My boys love them! They bought two Bionicles today with their birthday money!

  8. Anonymous7:54 AM

    a nap is definitely on the agenda for today!

  9. I wanted to drop a line and say thank you again for stopping by to see where our travels have taken us this far and to let you know that you were the inspiration for todays post...about cooking! i miss it and cannot wait to get back into the kitchen, after we visit paris that is!

  10. My grandson is into Legos big time too. And Batman.

  11. I like lists, legos, and laptops too. Though I don't have any legos or a laptop.

  12. I have not had a mountain dew in a long time...
    I love lists & laptops! :)

  13. I would not have pegged you as a soda in the morning type of gal, but now I see how you turn so many quilts out!
