
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

more goodies

The packages keep coming. :)

This one is from Amy Jo.

Another awesome tin (yay!), a new bracelet, a beaded bookmark, beads, and a great new stamp.
There were lots of goodies for my boys to get excited about, too. I have the greatest friends! Thanks Amy, for the wonderful gifts.

Tomorrow is Valleyfair Day. My husband's work has a company picnic there every year, so we have a date day. My sister came down to babysit. My husband and I are going to have a chance to have conversation uninterrupted by little voices. I almost forgot what that is like, but I sure am looking forward to it.


  1. What lovely little goodies! How nice!

  2. hope you guys have a fabulous day at the fair!!! sounds oh so relaxing!

  3. Ooh, I love the tin. I have a rather big tin collection in boxes in the garage.

  4. What great goodies from Amy! Hope you and K have a great time tomorrow! Hold hands on the roller coaster and get two straws in your milk shake just like the good old days okay! ;) Have fun!!

  5. Wow! Lots of lovelies to enjoy. I love that the tin has a handle for carrying it. It's so sweet!

  6. Fun tins! Maybe we can make some fun cards with the friends stamp.

  7. A date day? Yay for you! Enjoy the time with your husband.

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Oh have a fabulous time! Enjoy the time together :)

  9. Great goodies you received!! That tin is so cute, I have thought of using one like that to carry my lunch in for work (at school) next fall for fun.

    Give a wave to your west while at Valleyfair and I will wave back:) I am about 45min west of Shakopee. Have a blast.

  10. Such nice things!
    Have fun tomorrow with K at Valleyfair! Go on the little cars, you know the old fashioned ones with the metal track in the middle, for J and I. Those were J's "favert" when he was a kid! (I think they still are ;) ) It will be so nice for the two of you to have a day together. I'm sure the kids will have fun with Aunt Clair, too, something different for them.
