
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I love summer vacation

I took a much needed break from quilting.
I'm going cross-eyed. Literally.

Spending time with the kiddies-enjoying the beautiful day. It's warm...but oh so lovely.


Cloud watching.


What are you up to today?

fyi...the quilt in the last several photos wasn't made by was the first quilt that my huband and I purchased after we got married. It's one of our favorites. It's aging now, so it's super soft. Love that.


  1. The colors you choose for your quilting are gorgeous. I think quilting could be so theraputic.

    PS. I STILL read the boxcar children :)

  2. What a wonderful day. We spent the day swimming (the kids) and catching up on good gossip (me & D). Then some groceries. Then some web surfing(now). Down to the ball fields in 15 minutes for the entire evening!
    I love summer!

  3. rainy here today. ballet classes. lunch with my girls. giggles in the back seat. reading a good book. good day.

  4. Me, today, work and making monster t-shirts for the craft sale. I need to go water my plants and make dinner, that's about it for me...
    Your quilt looks like it is coming along nicely. At this rate you will have it done long before Sunday!

    PS: "wanna wrastle?";)

  5. What a lovely day! I am so jealous. I HATE quilting! I have just broken 4 needles in 15 minutes and still don't know what the problem is. Aaaarrrrrgggg!
    I hope your quilting is more successful.

  6. Its rainy here. I tried to sew but it just wasn't my day. Best to find something else to do before the machine gets thrown out the window. NOTHING more frustrating than a broken sewing machine.

  7. Its rainy here. I tried to sew but it just wasn't my day. Best to find something else to do before the machine gets thrown out the window. NOTHING more frustrating than a broken sewing machine.

  8. The Boxcar Children - summer reading fun! I decided to skip the gym today in favor of working on some earrings, making a real dinner, and indulging in some "So You Think You Can Dance." Not so summery, but we're not on break yet. Your day sounds perfect.

  9. There's something so summery about rolling around ona blanket and looking at the sky.

  10. Anonymous9:02 PM

    rolling around on a blanket looks divine! i was running on empty today, frustrated and tired....hoping for a good night's sleep.

    your quilt is coming along very nicely. i hope the graduate appreciates all your hard work :)

  11. Fun. Fun.

    Love the blanket wrestling.

  12. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Hot and humid here today. Hard to do much outside and still breathe. Hoping rain will come otherwise I'm going to start planting Cacti in my garden. Can't afford the watering.
    Started packing for the big Grand Canyon road trip. I think I need to rent a bus to hold all my stuff.
    I used to be a HUGE fan of the Boxcar Kids. Would love to read them again.
    So happy to hear how much you are enjoying each day and not stressing. Very proud of you!
    Dawn H.

  13. I have been quilting...I am making a blue and white quilt for Sarah. Finished reading At Home in Mitford for book club next week.

  14. Ooo, I love the Boxcar Children! That's vey summer reading, because I think all their adventures happen on their summer breaks.

    The quilt looks awesome. Do you staystich around the whole quilt before you start to stipple/quilt?

  15. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I could handle a day like yours, no problem. Sounds relaxing.

    I finalized a conference schedule at work today, including room assignments for all the breakout sessions, made some progress on the rest of the program book, and went to a phone training for the new phones we'll start using the week after next. (We practiced transfering calls, setting up conference calls, and chose our ring tone.)

    This evening after the big rush heads up I-94, we'll do the same. Destination: L.P.
