So, I made some patchwork in my favorite color...
and I quilted it....
added some brown rice that has been in my cupboard for a LONG time.....
and made a little rice warmer pouch thingy....
two minutes in the microwave....
good-bye cold feet!
What are you up to today? What is your favorite color? Can you tell that I am bored out of my mind? I have been contemplating what that phrase "bored to tears" really means. I think I get it.
I am thinking about arranging my books it color order like this.
I also have had this on my mind for a week or better.
Loving this. Hillary posted that pic awhile back and recently posted it again....I gotta do something like that. Little A will be needing some little dolly blankets soon anyway. Great way to use up those scraps...since that seems to be the theme at my house lately. :)
Some of my new favorite blogs are:
mama urchin
1. My snow plow guy...for $10 I get a clear driveway. It's quite a deal.
2. Legos.
3. My new rice warmer thingy/warm feet
4. Also thankful for spell check!
I'm sorry you are so bored. You could come to my house and help me clean.(JK) That's what I get to do tonight. Clean the bathroom, sweep/vaccuum and dust, make dinner, walk on the treadmill and then, maybe if there is time left over, I'll work on my quilt.
Hmm, my favorite color? I don't know. I am into the pink and green thing here lately, but I also like lavender and periwinkle, a lot, too. I want to paint my living room a burnt orange, so I don't know that I really have a favorite color. Just depends on what it is for. :)
Hope you are able to get out soon and things get back to normal for you!
School, please open tomorrow...please, pretty please!! These are my thoughts today - glad I'm not the only one thinking that this blizzard has more than worn out it's welcome. And I'm the first one to want a good "snowed-in". But this is crazy - I've got to get out and see the world!! I'm bored with ya, sister!
Yikes, that is a long time to be stuck in the house. I feel for ya! I really like your foot warmer. That is a great idea! Hope you get to break out tomorrow.
That's so clever! I've made heating packs before, but never quilted them. I will have to make some!! Hope the storm will let up so you can sneak out for a bit! I thought our cold weather was bad, but at least we didn't get the snow to go along. Hang in there!
Love your rice warmer bags...I always have cold feet!
I've been knitting almost 5 months, learning from books,videos and a couple of great internet sites. I don't have any knitting friends, so no one to teach me! The first book I got, which was great, was Maggie Rigetti's Knitting in Plain English. I also love I'm really loving knitting, so I'm kinda pushing myself to learn new things.
The yellow quilt is our current bed quilt. I'll try to take a picture of it sometime when it's clean! That's the dog's 'daytime sleep center!'
I love your're very productive!
Thanks very much for this foot warmer idea!!
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