Monday, September 29, 2014

250th quilt celebration!

This past summer I finished my 250th quilt and today I am happy to be hosting a HUGE giveaway to celebrate this milestone. This summer also marked my 14th year as a quilter and it has been quite a ride! I'm very thankful for my journey. I can't wait to see what happens next!
People always ask, "what do you DO with all of your quilts?" That is a VERY good question. We use them in our home, of course! We use lots of quilts on our beds. (Obviously.) I have a well stocked quilt cupboard, which stores the ones that aren't currently in use. The quilts stacked on top of the cupboard are my "work" quilts (ones that I take to trunk shows or have patterns for).
I have started rolling them up and putting them into baskets.
I have filled my quilt ladder as well. Spreading them throughout the house makes it seem like less of a problem. Hahaha!
They also make great wall art. For some reason I used to be opposed to hanging quilts on the wall. I have no idea why, but I got over it. (To hang them, I use heavy duty stick pins and shove the pin right into the sheet rock. Thankfully my husband doesn't mind!) I recently hung this one in my sewing room and I LOVE how well it fits in that spot. It makes me happy to see it every day.

In addition to that, I give some quilts away to friends, family and to charity as well, but I need to do more of that. Let's just one in my house has reason to complain about being cold. EVER. :)

Ok, now on to the giveaway! I have rounded up a fabulous selection of prizes from some companies and friends that have supported me along the way. I'm passing these prizes on to you!

A Beach House thread set compliments of Connecting Threads.
One 50 pack of Clover wonder clips in PINK! compliments of Connecting Threads.
A fat quarter bundle of Lion's Share Fabric by Cotton and Steel compliments of Connecting Threads.
A fat quarter bundle of Leo Lounge by Cotton and Steel compliments of Connecting Threads.
A fat quarter bundle of Calico compliments of Dear Stella.
A "Sewing Makes Me Happy" coffee mug compliments of Modern Textiles. (Heavily creamed coffee not included!)
 A splash rotary cutter (my favorite!) compliments of Olfa.
Wonderful hand made soap compliments of my friend Tara.
 A BUNCH of mini charm packs, compliments of Moda.
21 (!!!) charm packs, compliments of Moda.
And...a fat quarter bundle of the 32 NEW Kona colors, compliments of Robert Kaufman.
Those are some pretty great prizes, aren't they?? MANY thanks to Connecting Threads, Dear Stella, Modern Textiles, Olfa, Tara, Moda and Robert Kaufman for donating these fabulous prizes!!!

Here are the specifics. Please read everything carefully!
Because of the high price of overseas shipping, the prizes shown above will be limited to residents of  US, with the exception of the prizes from Connecting Threads, which are limited to residents of the US and Canada. I apologize for the limitations. However, I wanted to do something so everyone could win.
This may be a little bit crazy, but I'm going to do it anyway. :)
Everyone who leaves me a comment on this post will receive a free PDF pattern of your choice from here or here. In your comment, leave your pattern choice, your email address and also the country in which you live. To those of you who are in the US and Canada, your comment will also enter you into the drawing for the prizes above. I hope that all makes sense!! I need a writer to help me out with my disclaimer. :)
I will send the PDF patterns out via email. (It may take me up to two weeks depending on volume, but we will see how it goes!)
I will pick winners of the prizes shown above sometime later this week.

Thank you for celebrating 250 quilts with me! Here's to the next 250!!!

Happy Monday to you! :)

edited to add: thanks for all your fabulous comments! the giveaway is now closed. winners will be announced soon.


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Anonymous said...

What an amazing milestone and great giveaway! I'm new to quilting and working on my 6th right now. I would love the PDF of "trees." My email is and I live in the US. Thanks!

Vickie said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway!!!! Congrats on your achievement!!! I would love the thread catcher. I live in the US and my email is

thank you again!

Bear61 said...

Congratulations on your 250th and thanks for all you do for us!!!!!! Your home looks very cozy with all of your quilts. Great giveaway! I like the "waiting quilt" pattern. ;)
I live in the US and my email is
Thanks again and have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Amazing! 250 quilts and still going strong. I would love the Bright Birch Tree pattern. I live in Canada and my email address is

Thank you for the free pattern and congrats.

Hilda said...

Thank you so much for your giveaway. Such generosity! I would love the Bright Birch Trees pattern, and I hope you aren't too overwhelmed with requests. Keep up the good work!
And I live in NM, U.S.

Unknown said...

Congratulations AmandaJean! I love your work. thank you for the pattern too - I've been admiring your bright birch trees pattern for a while:-). I live in the US and my email is Also thank you for the opportunity to win a great prize!!

Lauralynnescott said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt! And thanks for the pattern and the chance to win. I would love the waiting quilt pattern. Thanks so much.


Michele said...

250! Wow, congrats on that!

Waiting is a great pattern. I live in the US. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Amazing accomplishment! 250 quilts is definitely something to be proud of. Thanks for the awesome giveaway as well :)
I would like the scrappy handbag please and thank you. I'm In the US and my email is
Thanks again!

PersimonDreams said...

WOWsa! Congrats! 250 AMAZING quilt finishes! I would LOVE the birch tree pattern - how beautiful! I live in the US (Wisconsin to be exact) and my email is : lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com

Thank you for your generosity and for always writing a great blog post!

Betty said...

Wow, 250 quilts! That is something to be proud of.

I like the Waiting Quilt. I do live in the good 'ole USA.
Betty Baker
Cypress TX

Jenn said...

Congrats on 250 quilts, that is amazing!! And thank you for the free patter (also amazing!) I've recen been eyeing the Bright Birch Trees pattern, love it! And I live in the US.

Thanks again, you're amazing!

Unknown said...

WOW, Congratulations on 250 quilts, that is amazing! Your work is beautiful!!! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway and after much thinking I would choose the "waiting" quilt pattern. I live in Minnesota and my e-mail address is

knit to unwind said...

Congrats ! Well done ! Thanks for the generous give away. I would like to have the "Little Connections" pattern. Thank you.
I am from Singapore, my email address

NorahS said...

Congratulations on such an amazing milestone! I would like the scrap happy purse pattern. I live in the USA, and my email is Thanks for the great giveaway!

Brenda C. said...

How productive you are! Congratulations on your 250th quilt. I love your creative Trees pattern and would be thrilled to make that quilt with it's fun colors. Thank you for sharing your celebration with your readers!

Malinda said...

Congratulations! I've been admiring your thread catchers for a long time and would be thrilled to receive the pattern. I live in the US, email Thanks!

sewlightly said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts. I hope to someday get to 100. I love the Trees! pattern. Thank you for the chance to win these amazing products. My email is

Claudia said...

You are amazing! And generous! I would love the Bright Birch quilt pattern. It's beautuful. Thank you,

Matilda's Daughter said...

I can't imagine making that many quilts! They look beautiful I would like to have the scrap happy purse pattern. I live in the US. Thanks so much

Maggie B said...

Congrats on 250!!
What an amazing giveaway. I would love to sew up a tree quilt in time for Christmas.

Maggie B in the US.

Barbara said...

Congratulations from Fort Collins, CO! Your accomplishment is fantastic! The Bright Birch Trees pattern would be my choice...I am at Thank you! :)

Michele B said...

What a great giveaway and congrats on your 250th quilt!!

I live in the USA.
My e-mail is:

I would like the scrap happy purse pattern.

Bob's Mom said...

Thank you for offering this free giveaway! I would like to make the Trees pattern. My email is and I live in Canada. Your ideas on displaying quilts is fabulous!

kelly lautenbach said...

Congratulations! I've not counted my quilt finishes but I'm nowhere near 250. WOW! I love your birch tree pattern.
I live right in the middle if the good ol' USA. ��

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your sewing journey with us! Please thank your family for sharing all your time with us! You always encourage me to finish my projects and use up those scraps! Thank you so much for your time!! I would like the pillow pattern ! My email is USA thanks for sharing your celebration!! Sincerely, Marsha

robin said...

Thank you for blogging. Because of you and many generous others like you in blogland I have become addicted to quilting! There is always something on your blog which inspires me. This is a fabulous giveaway. Since
Christmas is speeding toward us I would love
a copy of your Trees pattern. I also love the
Bright Birch Trees should you need a backup! Lol. Oh! I am in the USA.

julieQ said...

Good heavens, Amanda Jean!! You will be glued to the computer, girl...but congratulations on your 250th quilt!! Amazing...and where do your put them all...that is what I am wondering at my house, LOL!! I would love your birch trees pattern...I have long admired it.

Becky said...

Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment!
I would like the thread catcher pattern. Thanks so much!

I love how you've used your blankets as décor throughout your house!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 250th quilt!! I am a reader from Arkansas and thanks for the free pattern and giveaway. I choose the bright birch pattern.

julieQ said...

Well I forgot my email Birch trees for me!!Thank you so much!

pkrueger said...

Congrats on your milestone! What an awesome giveaway. I like the diamond pillow pattern. Thanks so much.

Rachel said...

thank you very much for this great giveaway...I would love "little connection" pattern. It seems easy enough for a beginner. I wish one day I will be able to say that I made 250 quilts - congratulations!
email: rachel.gagnon5@sympatico,.ca I from Canada so I am in the run to win some of the nice gifts from Connecting Threads!!!

Unknown said...

If my math is correct - that is 18 quilts per year and about 1 1/2 per month. Nice work! I would love the Bright Birch Trees PDF. My e-mail is and I live in the U.S. Many thanks!

Christy said...

Thank you and congrats from Canada!
Wasn't hard to pick, I love the birch tree pattern!

Sharon said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt. It is amazing that you have kept track of the number. I don't know how many quilts I have made in my years of quilting. I would love your Bright Birch Trees pattern. My email is in the USA.

Amy said...

Wow, oh wow! 250 quilts. I think I started quilting about the same time as you and my number is NO WHERE near that number.
I'm in awe…. your work is simply beautiful and as a long time reader I hope you never stop quilting!!
What a great giveaway… thanks for the opportunity and if you're still giving away patterns I'd love your Scrap Happy Purse pattern.
gadomam at gmail dot com

claire said...

Wow! Congrats on your 250!!!
I live in the US and would love your bright birch pattern. My email is
Love your blog and thanks

jkrout said...

I love your blog!! I would love to make the trees!quilt. I live in the USA!! Thanks

Unknown said...

Thank you! what a wonderful surprise. I would love the Trees! pattern. I'd also love to win one of your terrific prizes.
Thank you again!
Wisconsin, USA

Brigita said...

Congratulations! Can't imagine 250. I am working on quilt #4. Love the Birch Trees pattern. My email address is and I live in the USA.

Lisa R said...

Oops forgot to leave my email address for the birch pattern lreedy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Late one night I came upon your blog while looking for something to fill my free time since retirement. I saw your lovely quilts and was hooked! Congrats on this milestone!!!!!! I would love the trees pattern and live in SC, USA.

Cathy L said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I love all your quilts and have made some from "Sunday Morning Quilts". The "Bright Birch Trees" quilt has always caught my eye when I have seen it, so I would like that pattern. Thank you so much!!

AMM said...

I would love to receive the thread catcher pattern. My email is and I live in Australia so am sadly not eligible for the other wonderful prizes. Thank you!

monthlady said...

I still use your info on how to binding every time I bind my quilt. my husband says I'm crazy as well. I would love any pattern but the birch trees look especially lovely. thank you. I live in MA.

Erin said...

Wow! What a giveaway! Congratulations on finishing your 250th quilt! I live in Ohio, USA and I would love to have the scappy bag pattern. Thanks so much!

Jennifer Price said...

I love the thread catcher pattern. Your quits are so beautiful, thank you for being such an inspiration. If you can do 250 I can finish my latest project too.

mb said...

congratulations on the milestone! You have made absolutely beautiful quilts and I love all the tutorials you provide. Thank you so much for all you do and this fantastic giveaway! I love the scrap happy purse. Mary

kathy said...

What wonderful prizes! Congratulations on 250 quilts! I'd love the Trees! pattern--so fun, and you know, I guess Christmas is coming again. I'm in the US. Thank you so much!

Aliceart said...

You ARE crazy - crazy generous!!!! Congratulations on your 250th quilt. What an amazing accomplishment! I would love your Bright Birch Trees pattern, and I live in the U.S. My email has my full real name so I'm afraid to leave it in the comment here, but it's in my profile…guess this is a good reminder that I need another one. I'm not so tech savy…Thank you!

Taryn V. said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts! That is such an amazing milestone! For the PDF giveaway, I would choose "trees! quilt pattern". I live in the US and my email address is tarynbritches (at) gmail (dot) com.

anne_tf said...

I love the Bright Birch Trees pattern. My email is and I live in the US. Thank you for being so generous with your ideas and goodies!

Heather said...

Congratulations on such an amazing quilting milestone and thanks for such a fun giveaway! I like the the scrap happy purse pattern.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful accomplishment, congrats! I can't imagine doing that many projects. Nice colors.

Heidi Carls said...

Thank you for the free pattern. I was unable to access the first link. I am wondering if others had that issue as well? I would like the Thread Catcher pattern from the second link.
I learn a lot from your blog and enjoy looking at all of your creations. I regularly wonder how can finish them so quickly! My email address is

Thanks again!

Heidi Carls said...

Thank you for the free pattern. I was unable to access the first link. I am wondering if others had that issue as well? I would like the Thread Catcher pattern from the second link.
I learn a lot from your blog and enjoy looking at all of your creations. I regularly wonder how can finish them so quickly! My email address is

Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your quilt accomplishment. You are amazing. Love your blog. I would like to try the tree pattern. Thank you

Queen FF said...

I would love the Bright Birch Trees pattern. I live in the U.S. and my e-mail address is

Heather said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations! I would love to make a bright birch tree quilt. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! I love your blog! (USA)

Amanda Guthrie said...

Wow, 250 quilts is amazing! Thank you so much for offering your patterns! I love "Waiting." from the US. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you!
Little Connections

Unknown said...

Congrats on 250 quilts. Thank you so much for the free pattern. I live in the US my e-mail is I would love to have Bright Birch Tree pattern. Thank you again

Maria said...

Congratulations on making your 250th quilt; what an achievement! Thank you so much for your generous offer of a choice would be 'Little Connections' as I can envisage lots of baby quilts being needed as gifts as my children and all their friends hit their 30s :-)
I'm in far off Australia so not eligible to be in the draw for all those goodies you showed. Good luck to those readers who live in the US!!

CandyR said...

Wow! Such an accomplishment! Thank you for the pattern. I would like the Birch Tree. Thanks again!

Patty said...

Congratulations! I love seeing all your beautiful work and am inspired by your blog!

I would love to make the Birch Trees quilt. I'm in the US and email is

pynm at yahoo dot com

Thank you and here's to your next 250!


Anonymous said...

Yay for 250 quilts ... keep going! Thanks for the pattern ... I think I like the birch tree one best. And thanks for all the giveaways.

Lisa R - United States

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 250th quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win so many goodies! I'd love to have your 'trees' pattern. I live in the US and my e-mail is

bountiful quilter said...

I would love the Birch Trees pattern. I live in the US and my email is Thanks for the free pattern and great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Wow 250 quilts! Love your patterns but Trees is my favorite. Love reading your blog. Thank you

Unknown said...

Congratualtions on your hugh milestone! What a great way to celebrate.

I would love to make the Trees pattern and live in the US.

Shebandowan said...

What a great giveaway! I love your Trees Quilt Pattern. I am from Canada. Thank you so very much for the chance to win.


scrapinlinda said...

I love the 'Little Connections' pattern. I live in the United States in KY.. My email addres:
Thanks for everything you do for all of us.

Handiworking said...

Wow, your quilts are amazing. I have a loooong way to go and I'm gonna have to get started soon and sew faster to catch up.

With the holidays peeking around the corner at us, I'm loving on your Trees quilt pattern. in the USA

Thanks so much for the lovely giveaway and for sharing all of your quilty knowledge!

one block at a time said...

Always love your posts! Can't wait to see your next 250 :) I'd love your "trees!" pattern... thank you so much!

I'm in the USA, Wisconsin to be exact.

kathsews at yahoo dot com


Becky H said...

Congrats on your achievement! That's a lot of quilts in a relatively short period of time - particularly since you do so many other things as well. I live in the US and would love a the Little Connections pattern.

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Bright birch trees is an awesome pattern! and I live in Canada! Congrats on hitting #250!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts!! What an amazing giveaway! I love the trees! Pattern.

(In the us)

Rita McCart said...

CONGRATULATIONS! WOW, how long do it take you to make 250 quilts? I've made about 40 in three years. Thank you for the chance to win some fabulous fabric and thread. I would love to have a Pdf. of the TREES pattern. I have not made any holiday quilts yet, and this one is a beauty to start with. :D said...

This has to be the most awesome giveaway ever. I love your patterns and I love following your blog.
I love your scrappy purse! I've admired it forever and have wanted to make it, I just need to find the time!

I love your decorating style with your quilts. You remind me very much of me and how I have my quilts in my house.

Congratulations on 250 quilts and heres' to 250 more!!!

Peggy in NJ

Dixie Torrech said...

Congratulations on your 250 mile stone. Wow! I would love the Scrap Happy Purse pattern. i love your blog and am inspired by it. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Carolyn J. said...

Congrats on your 250, what an accomplishment!

I'd like the scrap happy purse pattern, gregoryandcj at gmail DOT com

I'm in USA.

Thanks for the awesome opportunity to win!

grammag said...

Way to go!! What an awesome idea for your treasured quilts. I am taking up the cause of a quilting friend who passed away this year to make a quilt for every bed in our local hospital (18). I love your trees pattern. I live in Canada but we have a home in the USA also.

putznanu said...

Wow! Congratulations on completing 250 quilts (I've only made 6). And what an awesome give-away! You are very generous.
I would love to have the thread catcher pattern. My e-mail is

Thanks again.

Dianne said...

What an accomplishment, here is to 250 more

Unknown said...

Hi! Congratulations on 250 quilts! That is amazing! I always look forward to your blog posts and enjoy looking at your quilts. The pattern I would enjoy is "Waiting quilt." My email address is and I live in the USA.

Unknown said...

Love your Blog. I would choose "Waiting Quilt" for my pattern. I live in the USA and my e-mail is Thank you SO MUCH!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I hope to reach that milestone myself one day. I would love the trees pattern (Christmas!). My email is and I am in the United States.

AuntieCrafty said...

Amanda Jean, I just love your blog, and I have been following it for several years. Congratulations on your 250th quilt. That's a lot of quilts for 14 years -- WOOT! WOOT! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway to celebrate. I live in the U.S. and my email address is I would like the pattern for the waiting quilt. Thank you.

Julia Graber said...

Amazing!Congratulations on your 250th quilt. You have really made a splash and I enjoy following you and your work. Indeed you have done well! I live in Mississippi. My e-mail is . And I really like your pattern, 'Bright Birch Trees.'

Suzi Q said...

Love your work and your blog! So much fun and inspiration! Thanks for sharing your talents.

maggieinthemountains said...

Congrats! I live in the US, would love your scrappy purse pattern.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Congrats and thank you for the pattern. I love the trees pattern. Thank you so much!

Sara Fiedler said...

Amanda Jean, I have always been sooo impressed with you , your quilting, blogging, mothering and being a wife. 250 quilts is beyond anything I can imagine. CONGRATS!! Although I don't live in the US I do have a US address to send things to :). I look forward to the Bright Birch trees pattern and ANYTHING I may be fortunate to will. Keep up your good work.

elizabeth said...

wow! 250 quilts!! that is incredible! these prizes are fabulous--i am in love with the mug (and we take our coffee the same way!). the pattern I would like is the Trees! pattern… although I am quite torn. it was touch to choose. my email is
what a huge accomplishment--i am still stunned by 250!! :)

Susan Holman said...

Happy 250!! Beautiful quilts and workmanship. I love your creativity. I would like to make the Scrap Happy Purse. Great celebration! in the USA.

Unknown said...

Love your blog. Congratulations on your achievement of 250 quilts.
The giveaway is really special, thanks for the chance to win. Love the birch tree pattern. Following you from Canada where quilts are appreciated...ha..ha.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the 250th quilt!!! I live in the US and would like a copy of the diamond pillow pattern. :0) rosiebee456 AT gmail DOT com. Thank you Thank you Thank you so much and Congrats again on the 250th!

patty a. said...

Congrats on 250! I wish I had kept tabs on how many quilts I have made over the years. I guessing it would be close to 1000. I like your thread catcher pattern. I live in the US and my email is pattynubs at gmail dot com.

Robin Woods said...

Oh my goodness this is an AMAZING prize!! Congratulations on your 250th finish. I'm speechless. As for the pattern I would want? BIRCH TREES! This is on my wishlist. Thank you for your generosity here, and every day in sharing your knowledge and inspiration.

krippee said...

Huge congratulations, I'm a bit in awe. I'd love to have the thread catchers pattern. I'm in the US. Love an everyone wins thing that is so awesome.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your milestone! As someone who is closing in on her first completed quilt (yay!) I couldn't imagine have 250 completed projects!! I adore the thread catcher. Congrats again and here is to 250 more!

elizabeth said...

i don't think my comment posted--CONGRATS on 250! incredible feat! These prizes are fabulous and that coffee mug is too cute! I would like the pdf Trees! thank you for such a generous gift! my preferred emeail is thanks and congrats again.

RCWfamily said...

This is so Awesome! Congratulations on 250 quilts.

I would like the bright birch trees pattern please.


Kaylene said...

WOW - 250 quilts completed.. that is a wonderful accomplishment. Besides, it gives all of us a lot of eye candy every day! I live in the USA and my email is:
I would like to try my hand at the birch tree quilt.

Kaylene said...

WOW - 250 quilts completed.. that is a wonderful accomplishment. Besides, it gives all of us a lot of eye candy every day! I live in the USA and my email is:
I would like to try my hand at the birch tree quilt.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completion of quilt #250. Thanks so much for the free pattern and the opportunity to win one of the prizes. I would like the 'Bright Birch Tree" pattern. I live in South Carolina and my email address is Marilyn Hagopian

Nancycim said...

Incredible - 250 quilts and you still have time to do your wonderful blog. Thank you!
I would love the diamond pillow pattern. My email address is I live in the US.
Thanks again!

Kaylene said...

WOW - 250 quilts completed.. that is a wonderful accomplishment. Besides, it gives all of us a lot of eye candy every day! I live in the USA and my email is:
I would like to try my hand at the birch tree quilt.

Patti said...

Wow and I thought I had a lot of quilts, Congrats!! Wish I had keep track of all of mine. I have a couple of your patterns already so think I would choose the Waiting Quilt. My email is I live in Wisconsin.

Unknown said...

Hi, I've followed your blog for a few years now. Thanks for your inspiration. I live in The US in NC and my email is I would love the birch tree pattern. This is epic "250".

LisaB said...

Oops! Forgot my email address -

Kaylene said...

WOW - 250 quilts completed.. that is a wonderful accomplishment. Besides, it gives all of us a lot of eye candy every day! I live in the USA and my email is:
I would like to try my hand at the birch tree quilt.

Karen said...

Congrats on 250 quilts! I started following you on your quilt along for Margaret's Hope. I haven't made the quilt yet but I've learned a lot from your posts. I'd like your scrap happy purse. I have 4 girls and I can see that pattern coming in handy. Thank you!
Karen from USA

Kimberly said...

Congratulations on your milestones! You are such an inspiration...I need to get sewing more! I have always loved your birch trees pattern so I would choose that one, thanks for your generosity. I live in Canada and my e-mail address is
Thanks again and have a great day!

NDQuilter said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts and thanks for the great giveaway! I'm looking forward to meeting you! My email is and I live in the US. I would love to have the tree pattern.

LisaB said...

Never saw my original comment show up. I would like the trees pattern. I can just see it in red and green for Christmas.

Kaylene said...

WOW - 250 quilts, that is an awesome accomplishment. Just think of all the wonderful eye candy we have gotten from you. I would like to try your birch tree quilt. I live in the USA and my email is:

Vickie said...

What a generous giveaway, I'm commentor 1,358 or something like this point are you wondering "WHAT WAS I THINKING!" I love your birch trees pdf. LOL, Your so sweet to do this but "Crazy" might fit too ! Have a very blessed day!

Vickie said...

PS I'm a Texas resident !

Anonymous said...

Oh Amanda, what an amazing giveaway. Unfortunately I`m in Germany, so I can't enter for any of the other prizes, but if your time allows I would be interested in the Bright Birch Tree Pattern - I've been admiring that quilt for the longest time. You can mail me at
Many thanks and here's to 250 more quilts!

Sara Fiedler said...

I forgot to leave my email address for the birch trees

Unknown said...

Wow! What an accomplishment. I wish I had kept track and pictures of each of my quilts. I would love to be a winner in your generous giveaway.

Richard Healey said...

That is a lot of quilts so amazing. I am from USA and love the pillow pattern.. Thanks for chance to win.

Lisa said...

Awesome acheivment on reaching 250 quilts, your family is in quilt heaven, and also to the people who receive them from you donating them to charities. I hope to be good enough one day to donate :) I love the waiting quilt, beautiful for a baby quilt. Good luck to all the US and Canada people !! Thank you for including us who do not live in the US.

Lisa, Australia

Tonya said...

Wow~250 quilts!!! What an amazing giveaway! I would love the 'Bright Birch Trees'. in the USA
Thank you!!

Katie Meyer said...

Wow! 250 quilts is an amazing milestone! I would love a copy of your pillow pattern! I'm in the US and my email address is Thank you!

Libby said...

250 QUILTS !!!! I can't imagine !! Being a newbie. I love your patterns--all of them :-) but particularly the scrappy purse. Congratulations !!!! Libby.

zanoman said...

250 Wow!! Thanks for the giveaway. I love your blog, and your "finish it up Friday" has inspired me to do the same...and it feels great! Would love your Birch trees pattern,, Utah, USA.

Linda said...

Wow! You have a lot of quilts! Such a great giveaway also! I love the birch pattern. Simple but elegant. I live in Wheeling, IL and my email is:

Katie Squirrel said...

I love reading your blog. Wow can't believe how many you have made. Such a shame don't live in US so many fab prizes. Very kind of you to include us though ... My fave PDF is the scrap happy purse. I live in UK. Thanks

Katie Squirrel said...

Sorry forgot,uk thanks

Unknown said...

Congratulations. What a great give away. I live in Canada and would love the Scrap Happy purse pattern. My email is

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your accomplishment. You are a source of inspiration. I would love the diamond pillow pattern. My email address is jcsnyder17 at gmail. (I am in the US) Thank you for this awesome giveaway.

Little Penpen said...

250 quilts!! AMAZING! Your family is very lucky to enjoy your talent and hard work. I would love the Diamond Pillow Pattern. Beautiful.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! I would love your Diamond Pillow pattern. Congrats on your 250th quilt and thanks for sharing all your pretty projects. Tammy Mabry - tjmatbeach at gmail dot com

kathy-o said...

Wow - and I thought I had a lot of quilts! You win!!! I love the "Waiting Quilt" pattern. My email address: - I'm from the U.S. Thanks! You're very generous! Now - on to the next 250 quilts!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the quilting milestone :-) you are truly an inspiration. Your blog is a favorite of mine, reading your posts always gives me a boost of energy and a smile on my face.
I would love the Trees! Quilting pattern. Its so cute:-)
I live in Denmark and my email is
Thank you so much

Anonymous said...

your talent is exceeded only by the size of your heart
Sally Mortenson
Saint Paul MN
pattern- trees!

Unknown said...

I love your blog, your quilts and everything. So glad I found you on Pinterest.

I'm from USA. My email is My favorite pattern is the Scrappy Purse.

Thanks so much!
Susie Bryan

Anonymous said...

Wow 250! I am on #5 *Someday* Would love your waiting pattern. Thank-you. I am in the US my email is veeveebug@

daisy said...

Congratulations to you - and a big thank you for inspiring me every week with your way of quilting and writing about it!

Living in Germany, I was a little bit sad that I cannot apply for one of these great giveaways, but I was even more excited to read that you are crazy enough to give away your quilt patterns to each single one of us.

This is my choice to celebrate with you: I would really like to receive the bright birch trees pattern. My email address:

Thank you so much! Happy quilting for the next 250 years or so... ;)


just I spy quilts said...

It's become a Friday ritual to check out the Finish Friday entries - thank you. And thank you in advance for the Bright Birch Trees pattern - it is lovely! my e-mail address is

Rickie said...

Congratulations on your 250th! I have admired your scrap happy purse pattern since it came out- and I have a LOT of scraps! Thanks for hosting such a great give away. Rslindiana@ and I'm in the US - Rickie

Mo_Chride said...

Biggest congratulations on 250 quilts! I love reading your posts and seeing your bright, happy quilts. I am in Canada and would love the trees pattern. Looking forward to the next 250 quilts. I don't know how you do it with the kids home. I never get much done when my 2 are home from school!

Pattie said...

Wow! 250 quilts is an AMAZING accomplishment! Bravo! I love your trees pattern: so cute! I live in sunny southern California and my email is Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts! I'm still fairly new to quilting and seem to be very slow so I can't imagine having completed that many myself.

I love your Scrap Happy Purse pattern and the Connectiing Threads prizes are awesome for those of us who live in Canada. My email address is and I can't wait to hear from you.

Becky said...

Congratulations and thank you for all the inspiration over the years! I would love to have as many quilts in my house as you have.

Bright Birch Trees
12beeshandmade at gmail dot com

Thank you!

cjmont said...

wow....250 quilts! amazing. i love your book, sunday morning quilts and would love to have the bright birch trees quilt pattern.

Deb said...

Good Morning! Congratulations on 250 quilts and thank you for allowing all of us to celebrate with you! I live in Minnesota :-) e-mail: I have had the pattern Bright Birch Trees on my 'want' list for awhile so thank you for your generosity!!! Best to you! Deb
(ps apologies as I may have 2 posts? I'm not seeing my first one,so re-posting....)

Katharina said...

Wow, congratulations.
Unfortunately I´m from Germany, so there is no possibility to win any of these wonderful give aways.
But I love the bright birch trees pattern and would be really happy to make one for myself :)

Let´s start the next 250 quilts!

Best wishes, Katharina

RosieGma said...

Hello, congrats on 250...WOW...Thank you for the great giveaway. What wonderful prizes.....I love reading your blog, and love your quilt, Waiting on Craftst,,,it is just waiting to be snuggled under.....

juliehallfeldhaus said...

That's alot of quilts!! I like the Trees pattern. Good luck to me on the awesome prizes to:)

The Lazy Sewist said...

Congratulations! I love your blog and your quilts! Thanks for the very generous giveaway. I'd love the trees! pattern. Thanks., USA

Tim and Linnet said...

Congratulations on finishing 250 quilts! Thanks for the giveaway. I like the scrappy purse pattern. I live in Canada and my email is

RosieGma said...

Opps, forgot my Again, thank you for the lovely giveaway, and the Waiting quilt is still my favorite, but you Brich tree is very close......

Unknown said...

Oh the wonderful things to come for you. Thank you for a pattern for the scrappy purse.

Trisha said...

Congrats on your accomplishment! I have followed your blog for many years! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would like the Diamond Pillow Pattern I live in the US, in Illinois.
Thanks again!

Unknown said...

What a milestone! I love your patterns and working on scrap happy purse. Thanks so much for giveaway and keep on sharing your love of quilting.

bestjlb said...

250 quilts! How wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing, for the free PDF and for the giveaway! I like Bright Birch Trees.

Sarabeth said...

Congratulations!! What an awesome giveaway... thank you! I would love a Bright Birch pattern. I live in the U.S. and my email address is

Thank you again,
sarabeth in Boston

DixPix said...

Your accomplishment of 250 quilts is simply amazing! I would love the PDF "Waiting" - thank you. My email address is and I live in Canada.

Irina said...

Congratulations!!!! I follow your blog and I love , love your work !!! I love the " Scrap happy purse " . IN , USA .

blwolff said...

Hi - Your output is amazing and inspiring, and a bit crazy!! Thanks for the great giveaway. I would love to make a quilt with the Trees! pattern. My email is and I live in Toronto.

Snoopylover said...

I love seeing your quilts!!

Anonymous said...

What an accomplishment! And what a giveaway! I like the "waiting " pattern. And I live in the U.S.

Lori V. said...

Congratulations! One of my first quilts was a tutorial of yours and now it is my signature wedding gift! You are inspiring! I would love the scrap happy purse pattern. I live in the US and you can send it to Thank you!

Barb Neiwert said...

I am awed that you have kept track of all these quilts, but since I've followed you for a couple of years, I'm not surprised you've hit 250 - congrats! The only regret about your post is that coffee with you is not included :(

I love your trees! pattern. My email is mountainquiltworks at

Thank you for all the encouragement and inspiration you've given to MANY of us :)

Malinda said...

I have been following you for several years and love every post! I would love to have the purse pattern.
Thanks so much and congratulations on your accomplishment!
I live in the USA.

Jackie said...

I would love the happy scrappy bag pattern

doyleajackie at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Well clearly I can't read instructions.

As I said above, I am so impressed with your accomplishments and love all the information you share with us so regularly. I would love the Waiting Quilt pattern, I am from Arizona and my email address is

Thanks so much!

martha said...

Congrats on your 250th quilt and the response that you recieved! My email is marthamumaw at yahoo dot com . I would like the thread catcher pattern, thank you!

Beth Diaz said...

Wow- 250 quilts! That is amazing! I enjoy your blog very much and someday hope to make the Bright Birch Trees quilt! I would love a pdf of that pattern!
I live in the US and my email is
Thanks so much! So much to celebrate!

Debbie said...

Congratulations!!! I'm on my 7th quilt. Very new to this. The quilt you hung on your wall was a scrappy inspiration to me and have started my own. Little by little it will get done. I would love the scrap happy purse pattern. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 250! and wishing you continued success to reach the next 250! thanks so much for your generosity with this amazing giveaway:) I'd love the birch trees pattern please. I live in Canada. email is wildrachel(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thanks again!:)

Jan A. said...

Wow, that is a crazy incredible accomplishment! A big tip of the thimble to you! I would love to have your "Trees" pattern. Thanks, Amanda!

Brenda said...

Scrappy! Thanks

Mrs. Rogers said...

I forgot to say I love the scrappy purse pattern!
Hershey, PA

Vickie said...

I am so inspired by your blog and look forward to the finish it up fridays, with all the links, every week. I would like the Bright Birch Tree pattern and my email is and I live in the US.

Linda E in NM said...

I'd love to have your Birch Tree pattern.
Congratulations on your many quilts - have you considered donating to charitable organizations? I have hardly any quilts at home since that is what I do with essentially all of my quilts.
Best wishes!

Rosyquilter said...

Wow, you are inspiring! I am in the U.S. and love your thread catcher pattern. Thank you for the give away.

Laurie Broderick-Burr said...

What an amazing accomplishment! Happy 250th! Wowzers.

Your give away is almost too good to be true! Thank you for the opportunity.

I just ordered your birch trees pattern and am excited to try it this year. Since I already have that amazing pattern I think I would like the

Thank you so much.

My e-mail address is:

Here's to another 205!


Dondi M said...

Thank you for your great quilting accomplishment! You are making the world a more beautiful place. I love all your ideas about using scraps because the dying of textiles currently causes many cancers in China. Sad, but true. So, we need to use wisely.

I would love the Christmas tree quilt, the pine tree one because I love pine trees and I have lots of fat quarters in Christmas prints. And, I can use lots of scraps in this quilt, right?

Please, keep on blogging. I look forward to your blog so very much! Now, I will go to the gym and get my exercise done. I promise!!!

Carol E. said...

Wow, great prizes! I would like Scrap Happy Purse, please. How nice of you.

Lisa said...

Congrats on your quilts! WOW! I really like the scrap happy purse/bag! I am in the US and my email is lisamcgriff (at) Hotmail (dot) com

Jan A. said...

P.S. Sorry I forgot to say I'm in the USA.

sue said...

Yikes, 250 quilts is amazing! I love the Bright Birches Quilt so that's the pattern I choose. USA,
thanks and carry on!!

Laurie Broderick-Burr said...

I am so sorry.... yoga forgot to tell you that she resides in the United States!

Unknown said...

Wow congrats!! So many quilts I can't even imagine finding time to finish one let alone 250!! I barely get one done a year. Thakyou for the PDF! I have been fascinated with Bright Birch Trees ever since I have seen it!

Farmarian said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts and thanks for the gift pattern. I'll choose the Birch Trees pattern. I live in the U.S.

Oops-Lah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kquilts said...

250 quilts-- very impressive and LUCKY you!! The waiting quilt is my choice-- great pattern! Best prizes ever-- thanks for the chance to win!

Missionary Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Missionary Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kaylene said...

Wow - what an awesome accomplishment. Just think of all the wonderful eye candy you have shared with others. I would love to try my hand at your birch tree quilt. I live in Wisconsin-USA & my email is:

I have been having trouble with my computer this morning, so I hope this doesn't post twice. Of course maybe it's the operator?

Oops-Lah said...

Wow, 250 quilt, that's quite an accomplishment. And what a wonderful give away. I would choose the thread catcher. I live in Singapore.

Karen Boxler said...

Him...oh my what great prizes! Count me in! Always look forward to reading what you're doing. Karen

kquilts said...

Oooops sorry-- forgot my email address with my comment-- I love the Waiting Quilt--

nancym said...

Love your blog, and congrats on reaching 250! I choose the birch trees pattern. My email is and I live in the US.

Oh my stars! said...

Congrats on your quilty journey! You definitely give me something to strive for!

Diamond Pillow Pattern

Thank you for your generosity.

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