
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

liberty mini quilt

This little quilt is the result of the second round of my little scrap challenge. Anne sent me several gorgeous Liberty scraps, which I LOVE. (You can see some of what she sent here.) She challenged me to make a mini quilt that included triangles and hand quilting.
The triangle blocks finish at about 1.5", so they aren't big at all. The triangles were actually tolerable, even at that tiny size. The hand quilting, however, was very enjoyable. Although, I must learn how to bury my knots correctly. I know how to in theory, but in reality, I had a few knots pop through the front. It was not a big deal, I just had to re-do the stitching on those blocks. I used a variety of threads in a variety of colors (I have plenty), trying to match the patchwork as much as possible.
For the back, I used a fat quarter from my stash. I love how it matches the feel of the front even though it is a completely different fabric line/manufacturer. It's handy that the threads blend in, too. I got the loveliest thank you from Anne saying that the quilt made it safely to it's destination. This quilt now has a home in the UK, which delights me to no end for some reason. :) It measures about 18" square.

I absolutely loved working on this project and I love this challenge concept in and of itself. It's been a great exercise in breaking out of my rut. I know I get stuck in my rut and it's quite refreshing to break out of it every once in awhile. I plan/hope to open up the challenge for round 3 sometime early next year.


  1. oh oh oh...its darling.

  2. Absolutely perfect Amanda!

  3. It's very sweet! I like it!

  4. Very beautiful. I like it too !

  5. Darling! I love liberty prints.

  6. Oh it is adorable! I like the hand quilting!

  7. So sweet! Hope you saved enough for some for yourself!

    Forgot to ask you about dates in February yesterday. Any better than others?

  8. you did an amazing job. i can't wait until your next challenge.

  9. very nice work, congratulations!!

  10. Great job! love the little triangles!

  11. A friend made one this year similar to yours and I fell in love with yours. That must mean I need to make one, right? :) blessings, marlene

  12. OOOOH! It's gorgeous! I love the backing fabric too.

  13. Beautiful! I love the hand stitching around the squares.

  14. Lovely lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Oh, my! That is so nice! I love the hand quilting! I think I'd be tempted to do the quilting with embroidery floss and just knot them unburied..on purpose.

    Maybe I can get rid of some of my little triangles this way? I just finished a star quilt for my niece and I have TONS of tiny triangles left over!

  16. How simple but oh so cute! I found a really good tutorial on youtube on how to bury threads. It made total sense when I watched it!

  17. I love this! I think I need to make one for myself.

  18. Anonymous2:46 PM

    So very sweet and clever! Just the sort of thing my granddaughters would love for their baby dolls. And there's still enough time for Christmas. Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Love your the fabric on the back!!

  20. LOVE the front. Almost makes me want to make a mini quilt.

  21. Oh, I love it!! Very Very cute!

  22. It's lovely! A quick tip. When you bury your knots do it from the back not the front. The small holes it leaves will not show as much plus it's less likely to pull through as the batting is in the way.

  23. These triangle squares are so tiny! Love the hand stitches and the liberty bits are just divine!

  24. Such a sweet quilt!!

  25. Very cute. You did a great job with the hand quilting.

  26. It's adorable as is the way your daughter holding it up.

  27. This is SO lovely! I love the combination of triangles into mini squares, offset by white, and enhanced with hand quilting. This would be a great way to feature some favorite fabrics. What a wonderful result from your challenge! You have definitely inspired me to challenge myself.

  28. Another Winner CrazyMom! That quilt is just waaaay too cute. I LOVE the hand quilting with it!

  29. It'd make a perfect doll quilt! do enjoy that size!

  30. Beautiful hand quilting. Big stitch is just super fun. So I'm challenging myself to think of a project that you will pick as YOUR challenge for round 3. :) My thinking hat is firmly in place. Hope it comes up with a good idea!

  31. What a great idea and such a beautiful quilt..the hand quilting really makes it rock! Lisa in Texas

  32. how darling! :) LOVE the back!

  33. Absolutely gorgeous!

  34. Lovely little quilt - well done!

  35. Cute cute cute! Good thing it didn't get lost in NYC on its way. It would have been kidnapped, I am sure. ;)

  36. Beautiful! Inspiring!

  37. Dreamy and wonderful. Love the fabrics and all that handstitching.

  38. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I was just talking to my BFF Penny at sewtakeahike. She told me to check your blog for fabric organizing, and then I came across this precious quilt. Was just telling her I cut a bunch of 2 1/2 inch squares from my grandmothers stash which includes scraps from her dresses, granddaddy's shirts, outfits she made me over 40 years ago, etc. I thought maybe I could make something with them. Not enough for a lap quilt, this is perfect! Thank you for sharing the joy! Glynis

  39. Anonymous6:16 PM

    The quilt is darling. I especially love the sweet little hands holding the quilt for the picture with the polka dot dress!!

  40. Susan K from Canada8:08 PM

    Amanda Jean - I love this sweet little quilt. Great colours both front and back and wonderful details.

  41. Very cool - I especially like how the back goes so well with the front.

  42. Wonderful - inspires me to get back into mini-quilt Monday!

  43. What a sweet little quilt! I can see a handmade doll wrapped in this piece or it hanging on a wall for inspiration!

  44. I just love this little quilt! I like the idea of using different colors of thread to quilt with. I'm trying to find ways to use colored quilting thread, instead of just white all the time. Thanks for some inspiration!

  45. Could you tell me the name/manufacturer of the back fabric? I love it, perfect for my girly not into pink girl!

  46. This is the perfect little quilt to honor those incredible little pieces of luscious Liberty.
